#585: To A Culture Of Knowledge, Wisdom, And Greatness
Tuesday • June 15th 2021 • 5:19:47 pm • 3KB
Hey, Teacher. A lot of the students somehow know... - and they are watching you. They are learning from you, what not to become. Most teachers will copy other teacher's grades, even when classes are not related. To them a C student, is a C student in...

#584: Learning Is Great
Monday • June 14th 2021 • 8:18:21 pm • 1KB
We were taught to use plain old math, or the teachers would show us their wrath. They taught us to calculate, but we need to simulate. I am so excited about my LED light, it is glowing strong and bright. But I am deeply saddened about school, because what...

#583: The Electrical Engineer
Sunday • June 13th 2021 • 9:23:46 pm • 2KB
How to use a BreadBoard - Electronics Basics 10 Complete beginner's guide to using a breadboard How to Use a Breadboard Electronics Tutorials For Noobs - How to power an LED properly LED Resistor Calculation Volts, Amps, and Watts Explained LED Circuit...

#582: Oh Snap! or How Not To Read The Documentation
Sunday • June 13th 2021 • 6:16:19 pm • 3KB2
Umm, sitting here, and Ohhhhh Dear. I have destroyed two LED lights and I had to mellow, as I killed a beautiful Green and Magical Yellow. I was building my first electrical circuit thing, and I wanted to _ssssimplify_ all the wiring. I didn't know I...

#581: All Human Beings
Saturday • June 12th 2021 • 7:50:52 pm • 3KB
All human beings must be born free from indoctrination, no child is to be lied to, misled, tricked, manipulated, coerced, fractured, stressed, threatened, or punished. All human beings must be introduced to an honest, authentic, and truth oriented culture,...

#580: Programming Is Not That Scary
Friday • June 11th 2021 • 7:05:56 pm • 5KB
It depends where you start, start someplace easy and neat. Modern web is a mix of several technologies, and each _can_ be very overwhelming, not to mention all together. But the web is unfortunately tough on all, even hardcore programmers. As a lead...

#579: For The World To Flourish
Thursday • June 10th 2021 • 4:16:14 pm • 2KB
The growing up of a civilization is not just about its girth, it is also about its collective wisdom, future, and mirth. For the people to be happy, and grow in wisdom and joy, there are several techniques that they must employ. Much, though not most of...

#578: The New Wonder Of The World
Wednesday • June 9th 2021 • 6:29:28 pm • 10KB
What we need to talk about, is Art. Somehow, in all this incredible complexity of our Universe... A set of lectures by a magnificent teacher, will always beat the snot out of the best AI. That is why I say that our Life and Mind, should be a Masterpiece,...

#577: Super Nintendent Meow
Tuesday • June 8th 2021 • 5:14:09 pm • 2KB
Neither this, nor that, here is an idea I've been working at. You have to follow the three steps exactly as I explain, or the whole thing will be in vain. One, create a fun computer game, that will earn you some fame. Two, create an editor and an...

#576: The Nearly Impossible Journey Towards World Unity And Peace
Monday • June 7th 2021 • 3:44:57 pm • 5KB
Real Education and Cultural Convergence is one sure way towards World Peace, it requires that all the cultures of the Human Kind grow. In order to make headway in this exhausting and near impossible Dream, we have to stop making decisions in the now, and...

#575: The Paddler
Monday • June 7th 2021 • 12:01:51 am • 4KB
Saut Du Doubs The Ugandan Star of Whitewater Kayaking Sickline 2017 We are MORYAK - A sea kayak Documentary A Kayakers Solo Adventure In India | with Nouria Newman Kayaking Patagonia's 3 Toughest Rivers For The First Time EVER | with Nouria Newman Crossing...

#574: Convergence On Wisdom
Sunday • June 6th 2021 • 5:54:52 pm • 2KB
I would often murmur to myself, "Reality is a brick wall". Any and all that move against it, will have a hard time. Even in these treasured days, when my poems run particularly wild, that, holds, true. I now worry for People, Judges and Politicians,...

#573: In The Company Of Philosophers
Saturday • June 5th 2021 • 6:52:22 pm • 2KB
Be strong, stay positive, the changes the world needs are found in all people becoming wiser and stronger. None of the great challenges that lie ahead, are meant to be faced alone. The root of many problems is found in the divisions, that Humanity has...

#572: Gentle Silliness Across The Ages
Friday • June 4th 2021 • 9:48:12 pm • 4KB
The future is coming, and you have to help to shape it. You will be in your mid 80s, when you pause to look around. You do not want to see a sad world, that you wish you could have fixed somehow. The elder you, should witness brilliance, and see nothing...

#571: A Beautiful Mind
Thursday • June 3rd 2021 • 7:52:17 pm • 7KB
Our minds are already beautiful, but we can make them even more beautiful. Simply by standing up, and refusing to follow, without Knowledge, and Wisdom, and even Greatness. When we follow, we tend to end up in places that seem strange, if not alien, and it...

#570: Art Of Art
Wednesday • June 2nd 2021 • 10:53:50 pm • 2KB
Above all start with a very expensive frame, and be sure to engrave your name. Art is a very special thing, and it has little to do with coloring. Art is a teacher of it self, and a school without a single bookshelf. You can start with anything, so as...

#569: All Genius Is Equally Precious
Tuesday • June 1st 2021 • 8:46:34 pm • 3KB
Most of us ignore the idea of genius, because nothing profound can come from it. But we needn't be like that, we are all geniuses. Genius is a state that we can all easily make our way into, it requires rest, a happy place, and Happiness. It is a state...

#568: Breaking Out Of Indoctrination
Monday • May 31st 2021 • 7:52:29 pm • 4KB
Above all, know that this is a process. Because we are susceptible to false beliefs, we must always be on a lookout for things that do not seem quite right. My go to simple example is the fact that we live in a state of Mutually Assured Destruction, there...

#567: The Archaeologist
Sunday • May 30th 2021 • 7:36:35 pm • 2KB
Opening Lines of Beowulf In Old English BEOWULF, Reading and translating the opening lines The Sutton Hoo Helmet Sutton Hoo Helmet Hands on with the Sutton Hoo sword What Ancient Egyptian Sounded Like - and how we know Cracking Ancient Codes Cuneiform...

#566: The Final Century Of Lies, Deceptions And Confusion: Rise Of The Culture Of Greatness
Sunday • May 30th 2021 • 3:26:47 pm • 1KB
The Time Of Heroes Is Not Dead, the time is set, yet to begin. We are thinkers, but more importantly, out-thinkers. As soon as we can feel the drop-off of the ledge, we will build bridges and transcend it. And a new ledge has been found, we all to easily...

#565: Rising Above
Saturday • May 29th 2021 • 8:00:40 pm • 5KB
No, you are not immune to the effects of indoctrination, the more you climb the more you discover, sometimes it is your own false beliefs, other times it is more of other people's false beliefs. Schools are not working, they might not have ever worked....

#564: One By One, Book By Book
Friday • May 28th 2021 • 10:37:37 pm • 2KB
It matters not who the wisest or most powerful being is, it matters not which prime minister or president calls an era his. It was always a game of make believe, the liars were always performing for the naive. You and I know this is true, because our...

#563: Informed Consciousness
Thursday • May 27th 2021 • 10:28:17 pm • 2KB
Consciousness is not as simple as it seems, because to think, also means to out-think. Political liars, for example, tend to out-think voters. Political analysts worth their salt, not only out-think voters, but also out-think the out-thinking of voters....

#562: On Inheritance Of Greatness
Wednesday • May 26th 2021 • 8:29:56 pm • 5KB
"Writing is perhaps the greatest of human inventions, binding together people who never knew each other, citizens of distant epochs. Books break the shackles of time. A book is proof that humans are capable of working magic." -- Carl Sagan, Cosmos Don't...