#657: 3D Printing: A Look At Strange Wallets
Wednesday • August 18th 2021 • 8:26:56 pm • 5KB
I took the Blender Doughnut Tutorial today,and the first level is not bad at all - Keyboard Shortcuts and Little Buttons. I have been looking into Blender as a backup to FreeCAD,but also it is good for the soul to develop patience for special need programs...

#656: To Lake Erie And Back
Tuesday • August 17th 2021 • 9:18:53 pm • 2KB
Some years ago,I woke up and said whoa! For I knew I was ready,to get on my bicycle and ride steady. The hour was 4 am,I got ready and bam! I was headed for lake Erie,and was feeling pretty cheery. I had my water and traimix,and my phone to take some pix....

#655: Tiny Business Tutorial: Creating A Little Line Of Products
Monday • August 16th 2021 • 4:45:19 pm • 7KB
The primary purpose of this tutorial is to show teenagers,a path towards real education, with real results, that brings in a real fistful of dollars; opening real gateways towards interesting futures, that they might not have considered before....

#654: The Underground Explorer
Sunday • August 15th 2021 • 9:12:51 pm • 2KB
Stealth Camping In Storm Drain The Amphitheater Drain Exploring the Triple Helix Storm Drain The Secrets of Underground Britain Inside abandoned Aldwych station Down Street Underground Ghost Station A working train surprises us! Underground forgotten...

#653: Books: Help The World Grow All The Way Up
Sunday • August 15th 2021 • 7:46:17 pm • 3KB
You are, without a doubt,a Genius. You have to make education work,we must grow, and grow all the way up. Until we each become a great being,the world and the little ones need real leaders. That means you,that means all of you. Poverty has drained us of...

#652: Train Hopping
Saturday • August 14th 2021 • 9:00:47 pm • 3KB
Well, from time to time,a local train blocks the way to or from my adventure. Because the main road goes above the track,and only bicyclists take the old stretch. The trains can be parked there for hours,the only other way to get across is the above...

#651: Growing And Flourishing: In Healthy Pursuits Of Curiosities And Greatness
Friday • August 13th 2021 • 3:56:13 pm • 3KB
The best way to care about our elder-selves and our mental well-being across decades,is to start early, slowly, and carefully, and fuel our self education by means of our curiosities. We are each a very unique person,and our journey into self education...

#650: Letter To The Teacher Community
Thursday • August 12th 2021 • 4:24:05 pm • 7KB
I was one of your students... I know you can't make the necessary changes,but that does not mean you should continue doing what you do. First of all I know a lot of you hate the kids,you hate the way the challenge you. Well, they challenge you, because...

#649: Into The World Of Design
Wednesday • August 11th 2021 • 9:00:23 pm • 3KB
To enter the world of design,we need a key. In fact all the great world beg a key,be it microbiology, programming, astrophysics, or even world expeditions. The key is a simple thing,but before I explain what it is. I must yet again, quickly note,that this...

#648: Learning Computer Aided Design or CAD Is Somewhat Easy
Tuesday • August 10th 2021 • 8:10:01 pm • 3KB
It is easy, but you have to take it easy,you have to be good to yourself and learn for a long time. For me, I think it was an old DOS computer,that had a CAD program installed on on it. And while I had no idea what CAD was,as I was still busy with learning...

#647: A Note About Education: Why Self Education Should Always Come First
Monday • August 9th 2021 • 6:58:51 pm • 4KB
The most powerful things,are often attacked with shame. For example, Learning astrophysics on your own, versus going to a fancy universityare two very different things, and guess which one you are going to be shamed for. That's right people are going to...

#646: The Balloonist
Sunday • August 8th 2021 • 8:54:08 pm • 2KB
Mysterious Object Newfoundland Express History Of Balloons (1944) Early Balloons (1972) Paul Garber - History Of Flight Hot air balloon sky explorers - O'Hanlon's Heroes I was the first person to fly a balloon around the globe First Trans-Atlantic Crossing...

#645: Real Education, Real World
Sunday • August 8th 2021 • 8:24:48 pm • 4KB
I think, that we have to stop participating it passing on errors,Poverty, Nuclear Weapons, Mass Incarceration, Police Brutality, War - are all errors. None of this should make it into the next generation,it is cruel to act as if Mass Incarceration is...

#644: Learning For Real: A Little Daydream About Real Schools And Real Results
Saturday • August 7th 2021 • 10:29:00 pm • 4KB
Self Education is tested with progress and real little achievements,whereas all the other types, are graded. I don't know what grades are,but I know it is easy to memorize disconnected facts, and we quickly forget it all. I think the moment we get tricked...

#643: Adventure and Art: Take A Cute Little Leap Of Faith Towards Discovering Your Own Genius
Friday • August 6th 2021 • 4:49:52 pm • 4KB
Great things start from humble beginnings,and without humble beginnings you can't create great things. We are all - of course - too unique to share the same beginning,but there are some beginnings that are incredibly entertaining. I will attempt to...

#642: The Passport, The Card, And The New Universal Bill Of Rights: Instructions On The Subject Of Uniting The World
Thursday • August 5th 2021 • 2:52:22 pm • 5KB
You have to believe in yourself and realize that you are a Genius, fight for it, rage for it, it is there in all of us,and that in order for your mind to stay strong and healthy you must aim towards wisdom and Greatness. You will need to create a symbolic...

#641: Cicada Nights: Adventures In Self Education
Wednesday • August 4th 2021 • 11:01:20 pm • 5KB
I finally heard that fancy long sound Cicadas make,I've been waiting forever. In the years that I was settling down in New York,they were up and about, and it was really nice to hear them again. It has been a big day for my inventions as well,I've been...

#640: A Strange Little List Of Artsy Things
Tuesday • August 3rd 2021 • 10:21:15 pm • 4KB
There is of course but one rule in art:Don't Stop. In deed, what makes an artist,is frequent practice. That is all,there is to it, Even so, what follows is a few thoughts I jotted this evening,in anticipation of this poem. An easel, especially a portable...

#639: Art And Inspiration
Monday • August 2nd 2021 • 9:08:23 pm • 3KB
Today I wrote three poems, first about inspiration to wisdom,second about meaningful education, and third about the first two. Every once in a while I have to turn myself around,because even thought I am not rhyming, these poems still steer themselves. ...

#638: The Journal Of Colors: The Selection Of Color For Your Art Is An Art In It Self
Sunday • August 1st 2021 • 10:09:46 pm • 4KB
Here I will ask you to slow down where it comes to color,but I also present an obvious shortcut in the end, both ways will have you learning in a jiffy. Color combinations are all around you,but you need to discover and catalog them. And then create your...

#637: How To Art: From Mona Lisa To Live Portraits
Saturday • July 31st 2021 • 8:50:23 pm • 5KB
When working with graphite,identify the darkest parts of your image first. That is where you should start with a middle pencil, like B or 2B,don't go too dark, because B pencils can be oily and hard to erase. And don't press hard on your paper,paper is a...

#636: Instant Artist: Learn Art Right Now
Friday • July 30th 2021 • 10:07:18 pm • 3KB
Tracing, everyone is tracing, the cool kid at school is tracing,Johannes Vermeer, Caravaggio, Leonardo da Vinci, tracing, tracing, tracing, tracing!. And the people who tell you that tracing is not an art,are all about pretending to be better than you, by...

#635: We Have To Choose To Succeed: 2,154 Tigers, and 14,000 Scientists
Thursday • July 29th 2021 • 10:13:00 pm • 5KB
When we think about it,we know deep down that nobody ever notices the last tree being cut down. A child may notice shrubs, but nobody will remember the trees,and nobody will care when the patch of shrubs is gone. At no point will Humanity ever be...

#634: Programming A Remote Controlled Portable Raspberry Pi Audio Player
Wednesday • July 28th 2021 • 10:21:03 pm • 4KB
I finally connected the little Bluetooth remote shutter,to my heavy little mp3 player invention. My 1998 design was a small mp3 decoder equpped Printed Circuit Board (PCB),strapped onto a huge CD-ROM drive filled with a lot of MOD files converted to mp3....