#681: The Real Schools
Wednesday • September 8th 2021 • 8:41:03 pm • 5KB
Teachers can be pushed to perform at maximum,but that does nothing to make education real. The biggest problem is the content, structure and aim of lectures,that is where the really real results are. If the lectures themselves are broken,then increasing...

#680: The Quest For Real Education
Tuesday • September 7th 2021 • 11:18:20 pm • 4KB
We know all human being are equally intelligent,it is that that each has a different path through Knowledge and Curiosities. Standardizing that path, inducing memorization,and calling that an education, is madness. Politicians and principals get re...

#679: Programming Challenge: declaration.json
Monday • September 6th 2021 • 2:37:40 pm • 4KB
People of the World are confused about complex issues,even US Congress Members are not getting real answers and are forced to dumb their questions down. Begin by writing a declaration of human rights,from the perspective of the human, not the organization...

#678: You Must Expand The Meaning Of Poetry
Sunday • September 5th 2021 • 10:15:21 pm • 2KB
Without your writings poetry will die,you are a poet, and that is not a lie, You don't create to fit a poem or a chapter, or a flap of wings,your creation comes first and actually redefines those things. Your treasures are not defined by what fits some...

#677: The Sociologist
Sunday • September 5th 2021 • 9:14:25 pm • 2KB
The Lucifer effect - an interview by DPU with Philip G. Zimbardo The Stanford Prison Experiment Official Trailer (About Philip Zimbardo's Research) History vs. Richard Nixon - Alex Gendler The history of the Cuban Missile Crisis - Matthew A. Jordan...

#676: X and Why: A Real Introduction To Real Mathematics
Saturday • September 4th 2021 • 8:28:10 pm • 4KB
Long ago, I have discovered that revealing the fraud of modern education,and having crazy amounts of fun while learning it for real, is one and the same! Before I babble any further,I wanted to share a program I just made for all of you. You can find it at...

#675: 3D Models
Friday • September 3rd 2021 • 10:22:28 pm • 6KB
3D models for printing on 3D printers,sell for about $3 dollars. With the a neat looking Cat Armor on Pinshape,which is priced at $12. I think what makes a good 3D model, printed or not,is a beautiful and unique design. And that it does not exist in stores...

#674: Boss Makes A Dollar I Make A Dime, That’s Why I Learn On Company Time
Thursday • September 2nd 2021 • 10:19:46 pm • 5KB
High School was supposed to teach you how to build your own company,and you were supposed to figure out that College is just a scam. You were not supposed to tolerate fake grades,and even grades in general. The system of encouragement was supposed to...

#673: Self Education, Blender 3D Print Toolbox, And Non-Manifold Geometry
Wednesday • September 1st 2021 • 2:22:14 pm • 5KB
Yes. Using the Free Open Source Blender, a 3D Modeling programto create objects for 3D printing works with pure perfection. And there is a “Check All” button that will warn you,if you did something that will confuse the printer. This button is like a...

#672: Education For All The Epochs
Tuesday • August 31st 2021 • 3:26:03 pm • 3KB
Please,stop memorizing - that is not how we learn for real. Your continued participation in fake education,only makes things worse for the Little Ones. At the very least,you are to clear the way for their growing up. Stop jumping through their hoops,may...

#671: Into Fabrication: Are 3D Printers The Bee's Knees?
Monday • August 30th 2021 • 8:10:54 pm • 6KB
You know that scene in 1989 Batman, where he grabs Vicki Vale,points what looks like a weapon at Joker, presses the trigger, the weapon does something utterly useless, and then as they fly out the door with Ms. Vale fake screaming...the unhinged Joker goes...

#670: Why Is The Teacher Being Mean To Me?
Sunday • August 29th 2021 • 7:17:39 pm • 16KB
First of all let me just say,that schools are for you, the teachers are meant to help you, and not punish or scare you. You are all the Hope and Dreams, and the future of this world,your school does not belong to the principal, or the teachers, or even the...

#669: The Industrial Designer
Sunday • August 29th 2021 • 4:50:53 pm • 3KB
Yayoi Kusama – Obsessed with Polka Dots | Tate Kusama - Infinity - Official Trailer 「大分市美術館特別展 草間彌生 永遠の永遠の永遠」 Wangechi Mutu, Between the Earth and the Sky Vincent Van Gogh Visits the Gallery Making machines that make | Nadya Peek | TEDxAmsterdam Eileen...

#668: Students Must Not Face Broken And Corrupt Schools
Saturday • August 28th 2021 • 7:18:49 pm • 5KB
The first and foremost things the schools must teach,are ways out of poverty. Rather than teaching just mathematics,which are too abstract for most students anyways... We have to teach applied mathematics,where the students can create unique generative art...

#667: Michigan Adventures
Friday • August 27th 2021 • 11:07:05 pm • 3KB
Most people mistakenly believe that Michigan,is surrounded by what is know by Great Lakes. In reality, there is nothing lake about them,those are great sweet water seas. Their real names are as follows,The Michigan Sea, The Superior Sea, The Huron Sea, and...

#666: My Little Adventure In 3D Modeling
Thursday • August 26th 2021 • 10:09:50 pm • 4KB
Well, 3D modeling turned out to be magical,but it requires a 3D printer. It is not good to just learn 3D modeling,without anything to take to a printer in the evening. My favorite internet tutorial video is:“MODELLING For Absolute Beginners | Blender Human...

#665: Reject Fake Education And Become A Real Teacher
Wednesday • August 25th 2021 • 8:48:49 pm • 8KB
There is only one kind of education,and that is Integrated Education. And that means,that everything you learn is strongly connected. There are no grades here, you get paid for achievement,and you graduate the moment you build your first successful company...

#664: Humanity Must Advance
Tuesday • August 24th 2021 • 4:25:18 pm • 6KB
Humanity's advancement forward,must be our primary concern. By standing still,we make room for liars and parasites. The sustained momentum with which we move forward,should be one of our greatest treasures. The pressure to stop advancing,can only come...

#663: We Shall Wonder At: The Future Of Human Kind
Monday • August 23rd 2021 • 9:29:36 pm • 4KB
Growing up is important for Humanity as well,right now poverty prevents people from caring about Earth. All people of Earth are a single family,and we all have a single aim, Wisdom onward to Greatness. There is no disagreement about what is wise and what...

#662: The Drone Operator
Sunday • August 22nd 2021 • 8:49:20 pm • 3KB
How I Became a Professional Drone Pilot DJI FPV Tips, Tricks & Review DJI F550 Hexacopter crash after flight above the clouds Drone RESCUE MISSION (bear territory) Fly The California Coast - 4K Drone Video Ultra HD Hawaii relaxing piano music with 4k...

#661: No Cookie Cutter Lives
Sunday • August 22nd 2021 • 6:21:57 pm • 5KB
Box of alarms, box of grades, box of career, box of look at me, box of retirement, and then some. You are sent into the box of school, high school, college, university,job, career, and Friday night at the bar, to keep you from having a nervous breakdown....

#660: Fistful Of Skwarkis: The Journey Up The Mountain
Saturday • August 21st 2021 • 8:25:58 pm • 4KB
When I was little, I've noticed a couple of big trees on a hill that as far as I knew;could have been a mountain of some kind. It was way to far to even think about going there,but it was nice to look at. I'd wake up in the morning,and not having anything...

#659: Learning 3D Modeling In Blender: A Tiny Adventure In Self Education
Friday • August 20th 2021 • 10:04:17 pm • 8KB
I have challenged myself to learning the free open source Blender 3D modeling program,more than that, I wanted to create object for 3D printing on millimeter scale. My initial assumption were,that it is all impossible and too hard, and I might as well...

#658: Transforming Fake Education Into Real Education
Thursday • August 19th 2021 • 5:38:18 pm • 12KB
School is broken, ineffective, or fake,and provides no real results. And certainly,no results that are reliably reproducible. I propose,introducing several new classes. These classes will create a starting point,from which the new schools can emerge. These...