#729: Become Wise: No More Hunger, No More Fear, Human Life Is Far Too Dear
Wednesday • October 20th 2021 • 7:59:17 pm • 3KB

The last thing the world needs is more insults,but Teachers need to pay attention to results. Teachers... A negative grade,does not provide aid. It does not motivate,it prevents them from becoming great. Far too many teachers have confused students'...

#728: A Small Glance At Borders Of Philosophy and Her Daughters, The Sciences
Tuesday • October 19th 2021 • 8:53:14 pm • 4KB

We learn philosophy layer by layer,first we take what we understand. And upon considering that,we are now able to understand a little bit more. Some philosophers consider,that we may wish to discard the ladder once we are done using it. And even paint a...

#727: Inheriting Wisdom From Books
Monday • October 18th 2021 • 7:23:10 pm • 2KB

Is it always nice to have all the friends,it depends. But you will never regret,advice that you never forget. The most powerful advice I ever got,was from biographies that I bought. Alex The Supertramp taught me,that I can't be free on a bended knee. J....

#726: Silliness, Joy And Fun Are Serious Teachers
Sunday • October 17th 2021 • 11:12:25 pm • 3KB

The better the flow,the easier the lessons go. Forced education - what a curse,there is nothing worse. On the other hand,learning and having fun is grand. When you are having fun,learning is instantly done. You don't have to memorize anything,you'll soon...

#725: The Storyteller
Sunday • October 17th 2021 • 9:27:01 pm • 2KB

The myth of Thor's journey to the land of giants - Scott A. Mellor The Maya myth of the morning star Savitri and Satyavan: The legend of the princess who outwitted Death - Iseult Gillespie The legend of Annapurna, Hindu goddess of nourishment - Antara...

#724: To Carry On The Hopes And Dreams
Saturday • October 16th 2021 • 6:50:08 pm • 4KB

The world needs, universal income, world passports, free homes for all families,real schools that produce meaningful results, wise tutors, and free libraries of lectures and beautiful narrated books. In return we ask the younger generations,to lead the...

#723: Eight Gadzillion Things To Learn
Friday • October 15th 2021 • 10:11:03 pm • 3KB

There are so many things to learn,that once we get distracted we never return. And that is absolutely the right way,self education is totally about play. It means that we just keep learning new things,that we fly with our wonderful wings. And there are...

#722: Silliness, Art, And The Universe
Thursday • October 14th 2021 • 8:44:32 pm • 2KB

We must try to be cheerful and funny,especially when the weather outside is not sunny. And we have to take care of our joy,no matter what it is that is trying to annoy. And foolishness is an absolute must,though as we grow it is something we refine and...

#721: Latest Medical Research Breakthrough Reveals That People Become Fancier When They Wear A Tail
Wednesday • October 13th 2021 • 9:28:19 pm • 2KB

In a great tragedy 25 million years ago,researches reveals we have lost our tails to great woe. Today we can make or buy a tail at a very low cost,and thus not all has been lost. Living 25 million years without a tail was very tough,but today me must say...

#720: Travel Writing: A Simple Recipe For Unforgettable Adventures
Tuesday • October 12th 2021 • 7:06:28 pm • 2KB

First, get some rest,because this is not a test. And go on an adventure somewhere,bring a notepad and prepare. Find a nice coffee shop in the middle of some busy town,open your notebook, and write it all down. Always search for the re-donkey-lous and...

#719: Observations Along A Road To Personalized Educational Paths That Produce Real Results And Beyond
Monday • October 11th 2021 • 4:53:40 pm • 7KB

There is nothing good to say about the existing system of education,it makes students poor and it makes them feel average and unintelligent... and can at best lead to a crappy office job. The concept of Balanced Education is a Lie, it is a fraudulent...

#718: The Protector
Sunday • October 10th 2021 • 1:27:20 pm • 1KB

Viktor Frankl, Self-Actualization is not the goal Viktor Frankl: Our need for Meaning and Purpose How a Young Activist in the 1940s Fought Against Japanese Internment The Fearless Female Wildlife Rangers Saving The African Elephants Agnes Stevens (School...

#717: You Are Being Lied To: There Is No Such Thing As Average Student or Average Intelligence
Sunday • October 10th 2021 • 9:39:28 am • 5KB

When schools cut up all the subjects into meaningless timed chunks,average intelligence is all one can hope for. But that is not how real education works, you are not meant to be average,and you are not meant to be like anybody else. When you see someone...

#716: Unknown Unknowns And The Mélange Of A Thousand Biographies
Saturday • October 9th 2021 • 8:31:15 pm • 5KB

Each of the three principlas I had knew schools were not working,I think the teachers also knew, they are smart, cunning, and constantly exposed to the system and students. There are also teachers that try to be helpful,both Erica Goldson and Adam Saenz...

#715: A Thousand Books vs. High School
Friday • October 8th 2021 • 9:31:36 pm • 2KB

The question of High School vs. One Thousand Narrated Books,will help you doge all the cunning crooks. But the problem is bigger than it seems,because fake education actually robs us of dreams. We just don't know what we could have had,the business of...

#714: Systems Of Thought
Thursday • October 7th 2021 • 10:40:35 pm • 3KB

Somehow wisdom got replaced with Movies, Drama, and Music,Local Culture, Family Culture, and School. We may see strong personalities,but there is little coherence here. We witness,contradictions, limitations. Humanity's aim is to converge on Wisdom,leaving...

#713: The Superpower Of Programmatic, Parametric, Algorithmic, Generative, Procedural, Design And Music Composition
Wednesday • October 6th 2021 • 5:54:18 pm • 4KB

In computer world,the power of infinity is the first lessons we learn. Be it a while(true){} loop,or 10 GOTO 10; The beginning is more than all the superhero stories put together,and the first step forward is nothing short of extraordinary. Some of us...

#712: A Portfolio Of Silly And Fun Inventions
Tuesday • October 5th 2021 • 8:34:44 pm • 3KB

I am starting to think that Superhero belts,are not as silly as they sound. One seller on etsy made $657,900 dollars selling the Batman Begins / Dark Knight Utility Belt,which is for costumes only. My own design,an extension of the wallet. Will be able to...

#711: The Next Generation Of Education
Monday • October 4th 2021 • 8:06:40 pm • 3KB

Schools are selling expensive fantasies, document it and show the mothers,tell them that you want to gather up the pieces to help others. Tell them that you are going to build a new school,and that you need support and every available tool. Tell them that...

#710: The Mathematician
Sunday • October 3rd 2021 • 5:11:58 pm • 4KB

Where do math symbols come from? The Map Of Mathematics How Not to Be Wrong: The Power of Mathematical Thinking with Jordan Ellenberg Math is the hidden secret to understanding the world by Roger Antonsen Marty Lobdell - Study Less Study Smart Mathematics...

#709: La Liberté Éclairant Le Monde: From Generation To Generation, or Recognizing Indoctrination
Sunday • October 3rd 2021 • 11:10:39 am • 13KB

(La Liberté Éclairant Le Monde is French for Liberty Enlightening the World) It is unclear if parents understand the way children do,it may not be the blight of indoctrination alone that holds us back. It maybe that children are so much smarter,and parents...

#708: Try To Invent Every Day
Saturday • October 2nd 2021 • 8:26:19 pm • 2KB

We have to find a way,to invent every day. Do not fear,invents something beautiful and real. Maybe a costume for Halloween, or Christmas, or even Veterans Day,who can say. You must ask yourself,if you are the elf or the shelf. If you never sung before...

#707: Learning composition by copying songs: Fix The World v2 (Prep for music composition with vocals)
Friday • October 1st 2021 • 3:43:19 pm • 2KB

(Altered Lyrics example based on Everybody Knows from Justice Leagueand a Sony owned Instrumental rebuilt by Track by T. Schmidt. This is an example of an intermediate step between music composition,and vocals.) Everybody knows the world needs...

#706: Authorities Serve Not Their Nations But The Future Generations
Thursday • September 30th 2021 • 8:49:10 pm • 5KB

It will all start with a young lady tracking the loss of species,and keeping an eye on the climate - and what we are doing about both. To put it bluntly,she will say “That’s F-ing Enough.” And this is not an ordinary F-word,this phrase once uttered, is a...