Learn Everything And Be Mighty
Learn Everything And Be Mighty

Sunday • January 23rd 2022 • 9:05:16 pm

Learn Everything And Be Mighty

Sunday • January 23rd 2022 • 9:05:16 pm

The more we try, tinker, fail, create,
the faster we learn.

Out biggest obstacle,
is people forcing us to do something else.

But our minds,
do not work that way.

Once we find something interesting,
we have to understand it.

This understanding,
will guide us to find the next thing.

Learning about the world,
is the same as reading a book page by page.

We can't just skip pages,
we need to learn in out little sequence.

We are all born with this amazing wisdom,
of rejecting things out of sequence.

If we are told to learn math for no reason,
without any context.

Our minds will protest,
as if to say we are not machines, but poems.

But is we learn programming,
to make screen savers.

And then take to math,
to make the screensavers better.

Our minds will make enormous leaps,
and hoover all the math up.

Our minds want to be dancing around amazing concepts,
in the strange emergent machinery of math.

They can't be spoon fed,
procedures and formulas.

We need real lessons,
a real lesson enhances many of out talents.

Real lesson help us rise above our younger selves,
and become wise and mighty.

We have a problem with climate,
and the living creatures that all life depends on.

Politicians and Officials who only pretended to learn,
lack the mental frameworks and tools to make the right choices.

As a result decade after decade,
things are getting worse.

In our beauty we think there is a good reason for that,
but there really isn't.

The leaders are uneducated,
and try as they might they can't get an education in the last moment.

Education is not a series of facts as those lack context and gravity,
it is more like a thriving ecosystem full of life, color and sunshine.

This is why it is really important,
to learn for real.

And learn everything,
even the things we love as kids, like butterflies.

Even the tiniest lessons will strengthen us,
eventually lead us to Knowledge and Science powered Wisdom.

The name of our species is,
is Wise Beings.

Wisdom is what we do, is what we need,
it is what sets us apart, and makes us the Keepers of Earth.

Real wisdom requires fine knowledge,
about everything and anything.

We should take to self education so passionately,
that it will redefine our journals.

Rather than describing how our day went,
we should write about all the new things we've learned.

Real education,
does not come with graduation.

It just helps us to Real Knowledge, an all encompassing Wisdom,
and if the times call for it, Greatness too.