This 18-Year-Old Changed The World: Announcing End Of Poverty Markets, The Next Generation Of Non Fungible Tokens (NFT)
This 18-Year-Old Changed The World: Announcing End Of Poverty Markets, The Next Generation Of Non Fungible Tokens (NFT)

Sunday • November 7th 2021 • 2:24:12 pm

This 18-Year-Old Changed The World: Announcing End Of Poverty Markets, The Next Generation Of Non Fungible Tokens (NFT)

Sunday • November 7th 2021 • 2:24:12 pm

It took 5,000 years for us to understand,
that global poverty can only lead to the world's end.

At 18, a clever lady without any aid,
saved the world in less than a decade.

She started buying poverty before the world worsened,
for 3.5 million dollars per person.

It was very beautiful and noble,
and then all governments joined in and the whole thing went global.

We didn't need borders, we didn't need war,
what we needed was wisdom and self control.

The 3.5 million dollars was given away,
at the rate of one hundred dollars per day.

There was always money in the bank,
truly a system for which the future generations could thank.

The governments bought in as they saw it as an investment,
and the world became wiser for every dollar they spent.

It was a perfect investment in the future of Human Kind,
and most only learned to see that after they gained peace of mind.

It was an international bank without borders,
that would never stop taking orders.

Anybody in the world could sell their non-fungible poverty,
improve their well being and expand their ownership of property.

All of a sudden everyone had a hundred dollars to spend per day,
and there was no inflation to run away.

The idea of war,
became laughable as every nation opened their door.

Humanity became happy and lived in full,
no human being as seen as some abstract tool.

Prisons around the world started falling apart,
as everyone had a chance to grow wise and smart.

People could afford to move out of bad places,
the world was FILLLED with smiling faces.

Every school everywhere started teaching wisdom and business,
completely repairing the climate mess.

The sciences started expanding like crazy,
it turned out the students were never lazy.

It is that those who previously worked out of their damn mind,
could take time off and put a halt to their endless grind.

Everyone felt their intelligence rise,
and people all around the world started becoming profoundly wise.

New businesses emerged all around the world,
as that $100 seeded new dreams, and ideas untold.

No longer did people settle on the bare minimum,
everyone raced to reach their maximum.

It turned out poverty was poisoning our minds,
and that the toxic effect of fear, actually. blinds.

Once everyone saw that they were saved from homelessness and starvation,
the world grew in greatness and imagination.

We finally became wise enough to leave all the bad ideas behind,
and united as one Happy Human Kind.

Me: For all the entrepreneurs out there stop thinking small,
rise and stand up tall.