#513: The Older Business People
Tuesday • April 13th 2021 • 10:23:29 pm • 3KB
If you ever go to a prestigious show, maybe to see a famous philosopher, or a group of amazing speakers. The wisest people there, in as far as they care, will only judge you in two ways. They will judge your spirit, by looking at your love for and the...

#512: Accelerating Business Growth: Project Bounties And Multilingual Conversational User Interfaces
Monday • April 12th 2021 • 8:47:40 pm • 3KB
Imagine, two young people purchase a "Photos for Everyone" website similar to Unsplash. The website costs between $12,000 - $24,000, but the only way to pay it off is by sending 10% of monthly income to the mother ship company. If the two entrepreneurs...

#511: The Archer
Sunday • April 11th 2021 • 9:47:02 pm • 2KB
An Amazonian Bow Competition How to build Chinese Ancient Recurve Bow and Arrow? Instant Legolas, Archery Reinvented. Is this bow the technical answer to Lars Andersons archery style? Kyudo - the sound of an arrow being released from bow Kyudo, hidden...

#510: Three Dimensional Business Development: Portable Clonal Colonies
Sunday • April 11th 2021 • 8:52:55 pm • 8KB
The Trembling Giant is a clonal colony of aspen determined to be a single living organism, and assumed to have one massive underground root system, it contains 47,000 trees. This text is about taking your first beautiful company, with an imaginative and...

#509: The Potato Adventures of Dr. Meow: Riding In The Rain
Saturday • April 10th 2021 • 10:53:19 pm • 2KB
Every adventure has its own unique song, and you have to listen to it. You have to do as it tells you to do, only then will the adventure become good. When the lake is cold, and you need a bath, there is no better time to yell bad words then when you take...

#508: To End World Poverty
Friday • April 9th 2021 • 10:12:07 pm • 5KB
Forgive me, Dear Reader, as this poem does not yet end with an answer, but it does create a question that brings us one step closer to it. President Kennedy once said, "Too many of us think it is impossible too many think it is unreal but that is a...

#507: The New Computer Revolution
Thursday • April 8th 2021 • 11:03:52 pm • 3KB
The moment you write a program it starts becoming old, libraries become outdated, the user interface gets a smell. In many cases once a program goes online it becomes vulnerable to attacks, and get this: attacks that didn't exist while the program was...

#506: Art Books
Wednesday • April 7th 2021 • 10:06:06 pm • 2KB
Creating works of art is not the only way to make money in Art, creating an Art Book, is not that different from creating a work of art. And one very interesting thing about art books is that, the simpler the better. The art book I have in mind is both, a...

#505: The Instant Artist
Tuesday • April 6th 2021 • 11:04:47 pm • 3KB
"The biggest thing in art, is getting the proportions right." -- Abraham Lincoln To get the proportions right you should use an office projector, see if a Pico Projector is right for you, they are often about $50. There are other ways you can transfer...

#504: A Workout That Will Work Out
Monday • April 5th 2021 • 11:14:11 pm • 4KB
Above all, all the heavy people in the word, work out a lot, year after year building muscle under all that weight. Getting into exercise can be hard, depending how large we get. Dieting, is complicated because we need food, it is not OK to just stop...

#503: The Bottle Digger
Sunday • April 4th 2021 • 11:56:08 pm • 2KB

#502: Every Human Being
Sunday • April 4th 2021 • 7:34:18 pm • 4KB
Every Human Being, is responsible for helping the world grow. By continuing to support, or creating new things that hold us back. We cause suffering of the worst kind, a suffering that has no meaning. Think about the things that hold you back, and begin...

#501: Everywhen
Saturday • April 3rd 2021 • 10:02:06 pm • 4KB
All the imaginary stories tend to have some truth mechanic to them, and it is not always the point of a story, sometimes it is its diving force. In our modem society, we must look to modern things to capture that. In older cultures, things aren't that much...

#500: New Music Revolution
Friday • April 2nd 2021 • 9:33:20 pm • 3KB
Pretty frequently there comes a moment, that can define future's past. They are always simple moments, and always revolve around simple things. Mr. Jobs liked to keep his house empty of useless things, this helped him think about what items exist in every...

#499: A Short Poem About World Peace And Growing All The Way Up
Thursday • April 1st 2021 • 11:10:44 pm • 5KB
"Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world." -- Harriet Tubman "Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from an...

#498: You Are Extraordinary, Believe In Your Greatness
Wednesday • March 31st 2021 • 10:09:56 pm • 3KB
One of the worst things that can happen to a Human Being, is being tricked into thinking that they are an ordinary person. Being tricked into thinking that they are not as intelligent as the A+ kids, or not as good as the ones with rich parents. The...

#497: My Greatest Archaeological Discovery, That Belonged In A Museum!
Tuesday • March 30th 2021 • 9:09:09 pm • 4KB
I was digging in Eastern Europe, it was an old Airplane Field. There was a number of bunkers, and there was a house in the city that still had bullet holes in it. It was meant to be a reminder, of what the city walls used to look like. They were building...

#496: To Understand The World, Understand That We Are Meant For Greatness
Monday • March 29th 2021 • 9:24:33 pm • 3KB
Understanding our world seems difficult, when you only try to integrate the broken things. The broken hings are mere symptoms, and you ought to look to the many root causes. Furthermore, once the world understands to practice crime prevention, or as it...

#495: The Futurist
Sunday • March 28th 2021 • 10:06:59 pm • 1KB
Martin Rees, Humanity's future – predictions for the next century Futurism Of The 1920s Retro Futurism Concept Art Past Predictions of the Future Every Decade 10 Future Predictions to Blow Your Mind from World's Best Futurists Top 10 Predictions for the...

#494: Heroic Courage: A Human Being Is To Grow All The Way Up
Sunday • March 28th 2021 • 9:12:45 pm • 1KB
Yes, there are no guarantees that our works will stand the test of time, but this no reason to hide, or to take it easy. Moments of life are extremely precious, and you must live Courageously. To advance forward as a courageous person, is far more...

#493: Mastering Programming
Saturday • March 27th 2021 • 5:37:27 pm • 6KB
Being a good programmer is very easy, if you keep everything in order. It gets even easier when you program for yourself, you become a master of your world of little machines. Things get difficult when too many machines, start biting each other, this has...

#492: In The Year 3000
Friday • March 26th 2021 • 8:00:10 pm • 3KB
If you like adventure, eventually you will ask yourself about the big future. Will we be able to ask Artificial Intelligence, to build better artificial intelligence, or will their thoughts have limits too? What will it be like when scientists cure aging,...

#491: What Would Real High School Be Like? Students Would Be Paid For Progress
Thursday • March 25th 2021 • 5:37:31 pm • 3KB
The primary purpose of High School would be the creation of the beginning of the road to financial independence. The more successful their business undertakings, the more money they would make. Teachers, and experienced students, would help groups of...

#490: Schools Are Not Working: Accept The Responsibility For Your Own Education
Wednesday • March 24th 2021 • 10:57:50 pm • 5KB
Schools and Tests are so tightly connected, that it is not possible to fix schools without collapsing tests. Tests and professional careers are so tightly nit, that it may actually be more difficult to get a job with a real education. But, real education...