#225: Within The Idea Of Growing Up
Friday • August 7th 2020 • 4:42:03 pm • 1KB
If you grant me, that growing up is more than mere aging, and that the other component is Intellectual Development. And if we agree that we each start near zero, and carry on upwards eventually becoming unique and creating undiscovered paths. And if we...

#224: An Evening Before A Run
Thursday • August 6th 2020 • 7:57:25 pm • 717B
I went bicycling today, but I was lost in thoughts all day. I thought about Typography and Art, and how evey Human Being is really smart. How people get busy, and how life is rarely easy. How we get tired, how creativity is made, otherwise it will just...

#223: On Finding Our Stars
Wednesday • August 5th 2020 • 6:57:05 pm • 764B
Before we learn what we should know, we must first learn how to grow. To break out of all the rooms and halls, we must destroy all the invisible walls. As we cannot reason-about what we can’t see, and so we must surpass our limits before we can think free...

#222: As Bright As The Sun
Tuesday • August 4th 2020 • 8:21:29 pm • 415B
May all your days add, may you never feel sad. Because it is hard to say, what things may. We certainly know not, the world; dot for dot. What we do know, is not to resign or live low. Because life is one, so live as bright as the sun. And as wise, as the...

#221: Blogging About Jogging
Monday • August 3rd 2020 • 9:01:08 pm • 850B
I woke up at five, and I felt alive. I left at five forty two, I could still smell the dew. The sun was still down, and the clouds looked brown. But I ran, like Superman. I had weights in each hand, ready to conquer Westland. Though by the time I got to...

#220: Rain, Web Design, and Thunder
Sunday • August 2nd 2020 • 8:12:11 pm • 753B
I was tossing and turning late at night, only to be awoken by thunder and a flash of light. The room shook and I felt it in my chest, but I was wearing earplugs so I didn't hear the rest. I used to be scared of thunder quite a bit, then I was told if you...

#219: Iron Mare
Saturday • August 1st 2020 • 8:23:00 pm • 695B
I woke up early, dressed barely. Just enough so that I am not bare, and jumped on my iron mare. We set course away from the sun, and just like that we ran. Some quarter way through, we had to turn left towards the dew. But then the road went straight, and...

#218: The Longboarder
Friday • July 31st 2020 • 9:46:58 pm • 573B
I Bought a Longboard! Longboard Girls Crew France - Road Trip Summer Meet Longboard Girls Crew Longboard Dancing With Korea’s Skating Sensation Longboarding Skills Musical Compilation Awesome Longboarding Girl Does Skateboard Dancing What to choose:...

#217: The Sunlit Dew
Friday • July 31st 2020 • 6:17:15 pm • 650B1
Sure, racing my bicycle is nice late in the day, but at the end I have to use a flashlight to find my way. Riding in the morning, the sun becomes so blinding halfway through, that I have to switch to sunglasses to continue enjoying the view. Mornings have...

#216: Cloudy With A Chance Of Beefcakes
Thursday • July 30th 2020 • 8:46:21 pm • 393B3
Goooolly, what a beautiful day today was, I rode around shirtless breaking all the laws. I woke up this morning and noticed how cloudy, I looked at my bicycle and said "Howdy!" I've decided to ride all the way to the end of the trail, and it took two...

#215: Coming to America
Wednesday • July 29th 2020 • 7:32:35 pm • 1KB
It has been a quarter of a century, but I still remember the sounds of New York, I can almost hear the busy parks, and cars and the occasional police siren. I still remember that a slice of New York Pizza across the street, is one dollar and twenty five...

#214: Riding Red
Tuesday • July 28th 2020 • 11:55:55 pm • 902B1
Sometimes I race my bicycle in the twilight, it is not too dark - there is still plenty of light. And to be safe, I bring my flashing lamp, and ride carefully like a real champ. But, oh boy, oh boy, is it nice, there are deer, bunnies, and little mice. Oh,...

#213: A Good Night's Rest
Monday • July 27th 2020 • 11:25:02 pm • 1KB
Life is always about learning and knowing, all those winds of change freely blowing. But there is something you must always remember, that you are a Raging Fire not a glowing ember. It is your right to strive and thrive and grow, may you melt all the...

#212: Ensue
Sunday • July 26th 2020 • 11:47:43 pm • 1KB
My Friends, Not only are we unable to directly conjure up the greatest of our heights, in that they must ensue from our Greatness & Pursuits. But also, we can't see that which we will miss. A mistake hidden within the heartbreaking realm of never knowing...

#211: On Writing That Fifth Book
Saturday • July 25th 2020 • 11:21:05 pm • 3KB
I know all too well that writing books is hard, as far as I can tell; I am still learning English. But books, share principles, with life, be it book or life, it is always page after page, it has chapters. Books are not, some fancy extra, but a pretty...

#210: The Flintknapper
Saturday • July 25th 2020 • 1:36:25 am • 723B
Arrowhead hunting #68 Hawking Lithics incredible artifacts How to make an arrowhead. An intensive breakdown for beginner Flint Knappers. Arrowhead hunting #51 Hawking Lithics Dreams do come true! Arrowhead hunting #72 Hawking Lithics smokers with a smile...

#209: On Learning Philosophical Concepts A Little Bit At A Time
Friday • July 24th 2020 • 10:21:19 pm • 4KB
The Philosophers attempt to bring ideas to the future generations, they are masters of learning how to think, conceptualize, and get extremely smart. There are a few things that we must set aside at first, and above all remember that they were children...

#208: Live Wisely And Beautifully
Thursday • July 23rd 2020 • 10:38:13 pm • 1KB
We are all very unique, and we are irreplaceable. But the world is still growing, and it may neither fit not truly inspire you. So you have to find out what really moves you, what makes you stand on unshakable ground. Accepting the responsibility for your...

#207: Greatness of Soul, Heart, and Mind
Wednesday • July 22nd 2020 • 11:02:16 pm • 9KB
It has been happening slowly for a hundred years, even though people are not taught to become Great Beings. Mistakes, especially the ones that make us feel foolish, open out minds for rapid self education. It used to be harder to learn, now we have...

#206: Cheerfully Becoming Mighty And Wise
Tuesday • July 21st 2020 • 9:31:46 pm • 751B
Growing up, getting up, moving up, rising up, we each have this abstract sense of a special direction. It calls to us when we are down, and it calls when we can go higher. You don't even need to speak a language, just lift you finger and point to the sky....

#205: Apocalypse Meow
Monday • July 20th 2020 • 8:42:11 pm • 664B
A Powerful Summer Storm approached with mighty thunder and powerful showers, and as always my power went out for for some twenty four hours. I love Mother Nature and her Cosmic Powers, with this much rain there can only be more blooming flowers. But, yah,...

#204: In The Eyes Of The Future Generations
Saturday • July 18th 2020 • 11:12:28 pm • 7KB
We are not Island Universes scattered to no end in some void, we are a part of a growing civilization with a past and a future. And we might have become confused about the Scope of Our Existence, we stand divided by borders and committed to repeating...

#203: The Metal Detectorist
Saturday • July 18th 2020 • 12:05:12 am • 915B
Cow attacks Metal Detectorist! Beginners Guide to metal detecting - Basic Mistakes OMG I finally found GOLD plus Silvers and Spills OMG Digging with Aquachigger Ringy Jocelyn BIG Silver, Copper Coins, Relics Over 35 - What a DAY! 200 YEAR OLD Silver &...

#202: Inexhaustible Source of Unlimited Wisdom
Friday • July 17th 2020 • 10:44:28 pm • 1KB
We are granted Consciousness, but given no guarantees by the Universe. The only guarantee we have is Ourselves, the one Element that we are truly in control of. The deliberate act of Growing Up, is a constant reminder of that control. Dusk and Twilight,...