#369: All The World's Nations
Thursday • December 10th 2020 • 8:53:53 pm • 1KB
The Universe works in very honest ways, when liars take to power; the honest become powerful. When we face impossible problems, someone will remind us; all human problems have human solutions. When governments become too complex, the Congress will call on...

#368: A More Capable World
Wednesday • December 9th 2020 • 9:15:45 pm • 3KB
We have a tendency to take things for granted, and we hold many Cognitive Biases that can harm us. It is really important to question everything, all the Sciences were born this way. The sciences are a product of the Scientific Principle, a product of the...

#367: Our World
Tuesday • December 8th 2020 • 9:13:42 pm • 3KB
Each generation, including yours, Dear Reader, is charged with figuring out, what is wrong. Previous generations discovered many wrongs, Wars, Racism, Inequality, Lack of Education. Due to ineffective schooling and resulting lack of education, we continue...

#366: Standardized Education
Monday • December 7th 2020 • 8:56:24 pm • 3KB
We can't have a standardized education, because that would require a standardized life. A life in which we are only passionate about what we are told to be passionate about. A life, where memorization, does suffice. My friends, the standardization of your...

#365: Your Intellectual Inheritance
Sunday • December 6th 2020 • 11:47:30 pm • 2KB
We all start with a Great Dignity, and Great Nobility, we are full of genius and imagination, and impossible dreams. We have to take good care for that, and use our Dignity and Nobility to transcend all limits, and beyond. There is a very tiny probability,...

#364: The Martial Artist
Sunday • December 6th 2020 • 11:46:52 pm • 2KB
How to Escape a Standing Rear Choke Self defence How to escape from armlock How to defend leg grab in fight 3 Top Aikido knock out moves 5 things you need to know that will save your life in a fight 5 most common attacks and how to stop them Top 3 Aikido...

#363: Schools Are Sus!
Saturday • December 5th 2020 • 6:56:25 pm • 4KB
Without reading powerful books written by wise beings, all we can really do is come up with half-baked conspiracy theories. Does High School work? or does it destroy creativity, uniqueness, and self esteem. Does college work? Or is everyone participating...

#362: A Thousand Books
Friday • December 4th 2020 • 11:36:38 pm • 6KB
All that has ever gone wrong, has gone wrong due to rejecting realities, and accepting, fantasies. To deny truth, is to create a terrible fantasy, and no human being should ever be committed to one - as life is far too precious. Yes, fantasies in a sickly...

#361: Real World Real Future
Thursday • December 3rd 2020 • 10:55:02 pm • 2KB
We, or the younger generations may find ourselves in situations where life does not make sense, where too many things are contradictory, ineffective, and too broken to be of any real use. When we are children we are taught falsehoods, indoctrinated into...

#360: The Serious Business Of Trouble-making
Wednesday • December 2nd 2020 • 10:41:19 pm • 13KB
The best kind of trouble is the trouble you create for yourself, there is no limit to how elaborate of a problem you can invent. Relativity and contrast play a very important role here, the lower you are and the higher you aim the more it is worth the...

#359: Self Education: For A Cheerful And Healthy Mind
Tuesday • December 1st 2020 • 8:13:45 pm • 11KB
Though mighty, we are very delicate creatures, our minds require Beauty and Calm to learn the most at their best. Haste of organized education, threats of losing a 4.0 GPA, homework deadlines, and even subconsciously knowing that memorization is not...

#358: Gnothi Seauton: An Old Kind Of School
Monday • November 30th 2020 • 4:51:52 pm • 7KB
School, wisdom, philosophy, job, university, career, writing, politics, adventure, grades, greatness, soul, how can you tell which of these are real, outdated or just not worth your time? By finding your beginning, of course, and then weaving an unbroken...

#357: Towards Convergence
Sunday • November 29th 2020 • 11:27:12 pm • 2KB
Do you remember wondering about becoming an adult? wanting to be done with this dumb kid stuff and have Ice Cream... even in winter. Just being half pint is not that big of a deal, it is the not knowing, what adults know, that's the hard part. For some of...

#356: The Cyberpunk
Sunday • November 29th 2020 • 11:25:54 pm • 1KB
Until The Day Of Your 18th Birthday Crash Override Pool on the Roof Must Have A Leak Neo vs Morpheus Neo vs Merovingian The Final Flight Of The Osiris Tron Guy Lightbikes Club Fight Repairing Quorra The History of Daft Punk DAFT PUNK – AROUND THE WORLD...

#355: Wisdom
Saturday • November 28th 2020 • 11:48:13 pm • 4KB
Wisdom, is our Universal Language, imagine two wise beings from nations that dislike each other. There is nothing but admiration, the wish to share, and communicate. While we all know some English, there is a lot those two have to say to each other. One...

#354: You Are Not Wrong
Friday • November 27th 2020 • 10:29:58 pm • 3KB
If something is wrong somewhere, you are not the only one to care. There are others that will fight beside you, so as long as your cause is just and true. Some will fight by subtle analogy, learn from them, and their lack of apology. Speaking out will set...

#353: Are You Really Learning In School?
Thursday • November 26th 2020 • 6:59:00 pm • 7KB
You must not allow your parents to use school as a babysitter, you must not allow your teachers to trick you into memorization. Friends and social life, are not an excuse to stay in a bad school, grab your friends and transfer to something better, or learn...

#352: Only 114 Days Left Until The First Day Of Spring
Wednesday • November 25th 2020 • 10:51:48 pm • 574B
Surely, this is a very mild winter season, and Spring will come a month sooner just for that reason. Therefore, we are really just about 84 days away, it is coming real fast even though today the sky was gray. And since this was an extremely warm year, we...

#351: We Are All Beings Of Wisdom
Tuesday • November 24th 2020 • 7:32:06 pm • 7KB
Wisdom has many names and can be viewed in many different ways, most popular perspective is that (non-academic) Philosophy leads to wisdom. One particularly beautiful view, hints on wisdom with the words Content of Character. The most mechanically sound...

#350: Growing Up In Wisdom
Monday • November 23rd 2020 • 8:08:08 pm • 5KB
Lack of education must be recognized as the highest threat, to the security of our world. We are not to force children into poverty, by selling a mere impression of knowledge. Privacy is to be recognized, as a Basic Human right. And those of you who hate,...

#349: The Privacy Advocate
Sunday • November 22nd 2020 • 9:56:20 pm • 2KB
Stop Watching Us: The Video During oil change kid finds GPS tracking device installed by FBI Tracking Device Found in Customer's Car (contains engine kill switch) How to Deactivate OnStar as Fast As Possible OwnStar - hacking cars with OnStar to locate,...

#348: For The Good Of Humankind
Sunday • November 22nd 2020 • 9:18:25 pm • 947B
Greatness is not a question of having it or not, it is whether or not you use it a little or a lot. We will each be asked to become Wise and Great, to save the world from mediocrity and hate. All battles for goodness are already won, and before you know it...

#347: Itsy Bitsy Adventures
Saturday • November 21st 2020 • 10:11:42 pm • 1KB1
Any adventure, is an adventure. You don't have to go far, though walking will be involved. Adventures within adventures, are even more fun. That's where you go somewhere, and then explore something else from there. It is like going to Ludington, but then...

#346: For The New Heroes
Friday • November 20th 2020 • 9:13:54 pm • 3KB
Time for all of us to rise, to fuel that which is greatest within us. It is how we change the world with our works, that matters the most in the end. It is almost certainly a very small book, one that will sit along side a smartphone. And it is a book of...