#297: The Programmers
Friday • October 9th 2020 • 3:01:58 pm • 3KB

They were students, researching, thinking, learning, they were not renowned scientists, they were just bored programmers looking for a challenge. Something greater than mathematics, or algorithms, or languages, they were looking for something more than any...

#296: Flowers Of Earth: We set off to meet the others at Betelgeuse.
Thursday • October 8th 2020 • 7:47:57 pm • 2KB

We have traveled to watch Alpha Orionis undergo Supernova, and to say Hello, to everybody else, who had the same idea. We have been studying it even before we became space faring species, we as in all the species that grew up seeing it with their own eyes...

#295: Cosmopolis 1.1: Massively Multiuser Self Assembling Intelligence
Wednesday • October 7th 2020 • 5:16:22 pm • 3KB

Here our Heroines discovered that Social Networks could be used as Human Intelligence based Computer, and that all it required to build entire governments was the concept of nested groups, (mathematically speaking graphs of sets to which users belong to)....

#294: The Midnight Owl
Tuesday • October 6th 2020 • 10:35:21 pm • 916B

Once, late at night, I was prancing in the moonlight. Marching through the woodlands of Ludington State Park, and I must say, even with the moonlight the woods remained dark. There was an occasional bark or a howl, but it didn't get scary till I heard an...

#293: Memorizing Is Not Learning
Monday • October 5th 2020 • 9:21:31 pm • 6KB

To learn something you must hunger for it, to learn something, you must love it. To learn something, you must enjoy it so much, that you will put it aside, and learn the stuff beneath it first, to grant yourself a fair chance at mastery. Every little bit...

#292: The Writer
Sunday • October 4th 2020 • 10:21:27 pm • 668B

Why should you read Kurt Vonnegut? Kurt Vonnegut, Shape of Stories Kurt Vonnegut interview on 90 Minutes Live - 1978 Kurt Vonnegut Interview on The Dick Cavett Show 1989 Kurt Vonnegut interview (1999) Kurt Vonnegut on Political Satire in America (2005)...

#291: You Have To Move Mountains
Sunday • October 4th 2020 • 7:34:50 pm • 2KB

I am sorry my Friends, but life is not to be lived quietly. If you are not shaking, and you voice is not broken, from screaming an yelling at the Congress, when they called you in for questioning - but they had to drag you out, for screaming - about the...

#290: The World Belongs To You
Saturday • October 3rd 2020 • 11:15:42 am • 2KB

By the time you realize how true it is that the world is yours, all the authority figures you once knew, will have retired. So in teenage days, just as teachers are brainlessly trying to convince everyone, that we are not good enough because we don't...

#289: The League of Extraordinary Ladies
Friday • October 2nd 2020 • 10:48:07 pm • 7KB

At first they laughed, then they called them a cult, then accused them of corruption, and when it was all over, most called them The Founding Mothers. We didn't live under a threat of Nuclear War, the models predicted the war as 100% certain. This is what...

#288: They Walk Among Us
Thursday • October 1st 2020 • 9:16:29 pm • 2KB

I have searched for great beings, because I wanted to learn about life. And I found them, they are not even rare. Many are outspoken, and all over the internet. Though, far greater in person, than they show to the public. They walk among us, quiet and...

#287: Cosmopolis 1.0
Wednesday • September 30th 2020 • 9:49:42 pm • 5KB

It felt so healthy to sit down to the first version, the promise of creating a program that will change the world felt amazing. They settled on trusty bare bones express, and the first routes they put in were view and edit. Carl Sagan once said, that if...

#286: The Conjecture
Tuesday • September 29th 2020 • 8:20:13 pm • 8KB

It started Christmas 2020, the world was already in trouble; the conjecture in a sentence was this: "What can be corrupted will be corrupted, and there are no fully operational public institutions anywhere", it is too easy for bad people to, not just...

#285: Helping Humanity Grow in Wisdom
Monday • September 28th 2020 • 7:39:49 pm • 2KB

Ability to connect with knowledge through audio-books, and retain that knowledge, as your own, and build on it to no end, is beyond the powers of Universe. Inheriting Knowledge to build Wisdom makes you unstoppable, and once you sit down to write a book of...

#284: Help Them Believe In Their Genius
Sunday • September 27th 2020 • 6:33:34 pm • 5KB

A new age is coming, an age where the younger generations will end tolerance of blind mistakes. There will be no more business as usual, for there was never a usual to be had. The children can see that borders are hurting the world, political, cultural,...

#283: Bring School To The Student
Saturday • September 26th 2020 • 9:42:50 pm • 719B

We brought students to schools, and now time has come, to bring schools to students. We will now take great care to remove any and all political, cultural, religious indoctrination, we will remove blind spots, bad ideas, grades, divisions, incompetent...

#282: The Urban Explorer
Friday • September 25th 2020 • 11:05:06 pm • 736B

shiey on the news shiey - no lanes UNDERCITY New York City Urban Exploration, please don't do this at home. Escaping Roof AFTER Mistaken For Thief AND Police Called Exploring an Abandoned Water Park in China Abandoned Disneyland Knock-Off - Nara Dreamland...

#281: On Bringing Books To Life
Friday • September 25th 2020 • 8:22:46 pm • 2KB

The simplest, most resilient, tested and lasting unit of information, that can transfer large amounts of knowledge between Human Beings, is a book. Reading a raw book is like eating soup from a can, it is very nutritious, it tastes OK, it is fine, but...

#280: Free and Open Lectures: A Call To Heroism
Thursday • September 24th 2020 • 6:36:23 pm • 3KB

My Friends, In this letter I ask you to begin working on building the schools we wish we had, by means of creating free and open audio and video lectures. I am asking you to study what you love, to learn and master what moves your heart, and improve and...

#279: You Have To Slow Down To Hear Audio Books
Wednesday • September 23rd 2020 • 9:56:47 pm • 4KB

Just like we are vulnerable, to listening to authority without question. Just like we are blind to indoctrination, unable to see fast enough that reality had been warped. We also have a problem of integration with Knowledge and Wisdom, if our days are too...

#278: To The Men Who Sold The World
Tuesday • September 22nd 2020 • 7:59:27 pm • 6KB

Elementary Schools are still a Dream, perhaps the most beautiful Achievement of Human Kind. Before mandatory education people didn't think poor kids could learn, people didn't want poor kids to learn. But we did it, we did it, it worked. It will always...

#277: Share Your Lectures With The World
Monday • September 21st 2020 • 8:51:11 pm • 2KB

Recordings of lectures and digital materials should be put into public domain. Schools should not to charge money for recordings of lectures. Education is meant to be free, for the Good of All Humanity. An institution may charge money for a live lecture,...

#276: You Are A Genius
Sunday • September 20th 2020 • 5:30:09 pm • 2KB

You have to break away, and start doing the things you love, your way. You only grow smarter, when you add thoughts together, and create a greater whole that makes you better. You have to find your beginning, right now, find a way to stop listening to...

#275: Speak Out To Inspire
Saturday • September 19th 2020 • 4:46:19 pm • 616B

Don't just try to be the change you hope to see, it will take more, than just you and me. You have to move an entire generation, or two, and they need to be really touched so that they may follow you. You have to speak out, to inspire, send a Noble Message...

#274: The Human
Friday • September 18th 2020 • 8:13:53 pm • 537B

Eleanor Roosevelt’s Fight for Human Rights Max Richter - All Human Beings (Official Music Video by Yulia Mahr) Viktor Frankl Little Girl UDHR The Universal Declaration of Human Rights Life Lessons From 100-Year-Olds Eckhart Tolle Emotional Intelligence The...