#273: One Life, All Life, Onto The Future
Friday • September 18th 2020 • 5:19:23 pm • 1KB

Once and for all, learn to see Your Life as a Whole, You only get one life, and that whole life is your life. The whole thing is yours, but you also have to become, Great Beings, Mountain Movers, and Mentors. The little ones need it, you have to teach them...

#272: Her Wisdom and World Peace
Thursday • September 17th 2020 • 7:52:13 pm • 1KB

There was a little lady that figured out how to change the world, all that is known, is that she wasn't very old. She posted a single long video, that opened with "I don't want to be a bother," today, everyone just calls her, Mum or Mother. She said that...

#271: The Light Of Authenticity and Pursuits of Excellence
Wednesday • September 16th 2020 • 9:14:16 pm • 6KB

Authenticity and Pursuits of Excellence are a fine method, for resisting the overwhelming power of Cultural Indoctrination. It is easy to trick ourselves that we know enough, that we will do enough, but to test ourselves we only need to see if we can...

#270: We Must All Write
Tuesday • September 15th 2020 • 5:12:36 pm • 5KB

Writing is like the spinning top in Inception, it is a way to self evaluate. If you continue being unable to write, then it means you are surrounded by invisible walls. Being able to lay down your favorite thoughts on a piece of paper, and helping to...

#269: And Then You Learn To Write
Monday • September 14th 2020 • 9:28:00 pm • 1KB

It is pretty embarrassing to be born into a world where our dear politicians pointed atomic weapons at each other, and celebrated the peace; that this brought to the world. I will say that with broken schools or fake education, we can't really have the...

#268: The Future Doth Sneak
Sunday • September 13th 2020 • 4:23:48 pm • 5KB

Same things may have many different names, and different things can be called by the same name. Add liars, manipulators, pretenders, the vengeful, greedy, and blind. Add language barriers, national borders, fake education, indoctrination, censorship,...

#267: Of Political Systems
Saturday • September 12th 2020 • 5:33:42 pm • 3KB

A system of institutions is like a collection of computer programs, where each program relies on the other for valid information. Cities are powered by institutions, and when institutions go bad, the entire city suffers; similar to how a computer will...

#266: The Believer
Friday • September 11th 2020 • 10:56:11 pm • 732B

My thoughts for the Call to Unite How books can open your mind by Lisa Bu Why you should make useless things by Simone Giertz Why are these 32 symbols found in caves all over Europe by Genevieve von Petzinger How language shapes the way we think by Lera...

#265: World School
Friday • September 11th 2020 • 6:46:06 pm • 3KB

We must repair schools, and finally put an end to ideas like listen and repeat and short term memorization. The first and foremost is the elimination of grades, which also means elimination of standardized testing. There cannot be such a thing as a...

#264: Real Education is Sweet Exploration
Thursday • September 10th 2020 • 7:04:11 pm • 5KB

Real education is a Great Empowering Adventure, that begins, with what is interesting to us. It's how Human Beings progress forward, it's how Socrates, DaVinci, Bruno, Newton, became known. They followed a path as dictated by their mind, and that dictation...

#263: Real Education Should Be Your Own Creation
Wednesday • September 9th 2020 • 6:11:20 pm • 2KB

I had a strange dream, Dear Reader, and at first I thought it was too odd to share, but now I am thinking, maybe someone you will care. I dreamt that schools were totally, completely fake, and that the future of the whole world was at stake. They became...

#262: The Dr. Meow College of Medicine, Certificate of Achievement
Tuesday • September 8th 2020 • 7:16:07 pm • 2KB

So as long as you fully accept the fact, that a key to every Success in Life is, Happiness. And so as long, as you take the time to help others, to accept this Grand Fact of Life as well. So as long as you take the time to congratulate, those who tried to...

#261: Voyageur Du Temps
Monday • September 7th 2020 • 7:55:26 pm • 3KB

Grab onto your butts, we are about to go nuts! We are headed back in time, to make a little bit of rhyme. Do you want to know, where and when we are going? Greece! 425 BC, to see about a real teacher, having a walk with his students by the sea. Everyone...

#260: 3,900 Tigers
Sunday • September 6th 2020 • 12:04:52 pm • 7KB

No one person can save the world, we have to take turns because of how exhausting that is. No one person can speak to the whole world, the world is too complex and our voice and message will become too scattered. We just need to keep speaking until the...

#259: Web Pages For Ages
Saturday • September 5th 2020 • 7:45:45 pm • 630B

I've been making web pages for ages, learning slowly in many stages. I begun in 1999, and I am still learning new things about design. All the programming languages changed many times, but knowing the whole history is very useful at times. I've learned a...

#258: The Orator
Friday • September 4th 2020 • 10:34:27 pm • 644B

How Dare You Greta Thunberg's speech at the R20 Austrian World Summit, Vienna, May 2019 Nelson Mandela Martin Luther King, Jr.'s "I Have A Dream" Speech - History Martin Luther King - I Have A Dream Speech - August 28, 1963 Lincoln's Gettysburg Address,...

#257: Yes Library
Friday • September 4th 2020 • 7:38:03 pm • 2KB

Let the deans nod to the graduates that drink most coffee, sitting with presidents and dignitaries, let them smile that each passed their trial. But you, Dear Mother, you take your child to the Library, make it their Castle, make it their Home, make it...

#256: No University
Thursday • September 3rd 2020 • 6:16:50 pm • 5KB

We have to remind each other, that change requires, that you and I grow. That we grow in strength, that we grow in experience. that we grow in knowledge. That we grow in Wisdom, that we grow in Foresight. That we grow all the way up. We can't afford...

#255: Nordhouse Dunes
Wednesday • September 2nd 2020 • 7:50:44 pm • 1KB

Where, sometimes, we all belong, and where life is very, very, very, very, long. As it winds along the well worn paths like a little song, and where there is always a right, that can fix a wrong. And we are hardly ever alone, so as long as we stand strong,...

#254: Of Mountain Ranges And Tipping Points
Tuesday • September 1st 2020 • 7:33:39 pm • 2KB

When you gather a comfortable amount of observation, there is a moment when you go from observer to creator. It is similar to how you arrive in a new city, at first you are unsure, but eventually it becomes your home town. In politics, politicians so...

#253: Where To Begin
Monday • August 31st 2020 • 1:18:19 pm • 3KB

You begin where they left off, Hypatia, Socrates, Giordano Bruno; that is always the Noblest start, you start in the beginning. Then, Books, Audio Books, School Library, Public Library, Every Library. You learn and rise, to improve on their works. then Ayn...

#252: Temporary Residents: A Call To Wisdom
Sunday • August 30th 2020 • 6:56:44 pm • 2KB

Oh, much can be said, of what one thinks today, and another tomorrow morning. But, the world belongs, to all the future generations, we are just temporary residents. We are not to treat Earth, as if it only belonged to us. We are to stop lying to children...

#251: Philo Sophia Means Love of Wisdom
Saturday • August 29th 2020 • 5:25:38 pm • 2KB

The Human Mind is beautiful, but as we grow, it requires upgrades, education, insights. Philosophy, Love of Wisdom, the uncontradictory arrangement of thoughts which that represents, must constantly aim to correct, expand and refine it self. Even while in...

#250: The Librarian
Friday • August 28th 2020 • 8:25:40 pm • 821B

Where To Begin, Audiobooks - by Climb The Stacks Audiobook Recommendations - by Climb The Stacks My Favourite Audiobooks - by Booksand Lala What If?- Book Review - by Honeysuckle Lane Historical Fiction Recommendations - by Stacy's Stories Adam Savage's...