Little By Little; Or, To Live Above The Common Levels Of Life
Little By Little; Or, To Live Above The Common Levels Of Life

Saturday • November 26th 2022 • 11:25:38 pm

Little By Little; Or, To Live Above The Common Levels Of Life

Saturday • November 26th 2022 • 11:25:38 pm

It means to grow, to grow all the way up.

We are each meant, to become a great being.

Bad people are good, at keeping us down.

They will ridicule, even the most beautiful things.

But you are born of stars, ...a child of the Universe.

Only you can define yourself, no one else can, though fools will try.

And the first and foremost, is learning to become Wise.

Inheriting from countless books, some troubles, and many adventures.

The common level of life, is not some average.

All human beings are unique, just like no book is the same.

It means that you must live, above your own common levels.

Growing up means, that each day must add to the previous.

The whole creates, the content of your character.

Your brilliance, your irreplaceable presence.

Your rise to the highest of heights, is about becoming, you.

No one can, nor will anyone ever...

Take your place, in the Universe.

It is for you, to live sturdily, and beautifully.

No day is to be the same, no week should ever repeat.

You don’t have to, change the world.

And greatness only ever makes liars feel great.

You just have to ensure, that each day is higher than the previous.

All we ever need to do is rise, and keep rising.

That is the only way, that the world can grow.