A Computer Based Government
A Computer Based Government

Tuesday • May 24th 2022 • 5:23:52 pm

A Computer Based Government

Tuesday • May 24th 2022 • 5:23:52 pm

Times are going to change within the next hundred or two hundred years,
we are just beginning to understand that there are nations that are ran by crime families.

Under the stress of Climate Change and all the things that come along with it,
these fantasy governments will fail.

Rather than facing an uncertain future where people who caused the failure,
can buy their way back into leadership.

Your generation,
will need to provide certainty.

And that certainty can be achieved,
by using voter driven software in place of politicians.

This is not an easy computer program to build,
and it has to rely on reality rather than wishful thinking.

It is still powered by minds of humans,
but it will also ask the voters if laws once put in place are still important.

If decisions that were previously made are still good enough,
if things need to stay, if things need to be rebuilt or re-thought.

This is a flexible and adaptive government system,
that will resist corruption by the small minded.

It can assure that whatever leaders are elected,
will instantly and permanently loose those positions if their promises are broken.

So as long as there are borders in the world,
all the people within a border must count.

But their vote must scale,
with their knowledge.

We are all born equal, yes,
but some people in their un-education will act against their best self interest.

People can be easily mislead by a handful of criminals,
into believing that universal basic income would be bad for them.

And they will vote against it,
they may even violently fight against it.

The core of a stable computerized government is education,
the paths towards having their vote count will be right before them.

No one will be denied to make informed decisions,
but misinformed decisions, won’t count for much.

Automated schools that teach wisdom, science, reality, authenticity,
can be built into the government program.

The system can be written well, free of darkness, and heartlessness,
and it can easily be made to resist corruption.

We are leaving you with multiple nations armed with nuclear weapons,
and while today a large scale deployment is of low probability.

Times change, and as new generation inherit filthy ideas,
notions such as mutually assured destruction will begin to fade.

Short of disarmament, someone will all to soon say,
“I used them because that is what they are for.”

A fully computerized government is still a very strange idea in my time,
but it is the only way the world can come together in peace.

Even though it sounds horrible that the computer will not count votes equally,
it will do a much better job taking care of each individuals within a border.

It will equally present opportunities, equally divide resources,
and present programs such as learning for cash-rewards, and universal basic income.

For example where the 13th amendment makes every criminal a slave, this computer program, would see people hurt by poverty,
who need a new home, a universal income they can trust to be there forever, and more education, hope, and strength.

The program will continue teaching all,
as we are all too easily mislead, when it is left up to humans to lead.

The computer will continue helping all of us understand
that we are each to rise, and rise, to no end.