You Are Meant To Become A Philosopher
You Are Meant To Become A Philosopher

Thursday • January 6th 2022 • 8:59:24 pm

You Are Meant To Become A Philosopher

Thursday • January 6th 2022 • 8:59:24 pm

Becoming a Philosopher,
is an important part of learning and growing up.

And you are certainly,
not supposed to wait for your golden age.

Golden Age has it own wisdom,
the philosopher in you starts when you start.

Three are many heights to climb,
and you can pretty much feel when you reach a new height.

You rise up on a plateau,
wiser, stronger, more powerful, and with a greater clarity of vision.

Sometimes it happens without even trying,
merely rejecting the easier wrong and taking the harder right, elevates us.

Word of caution,
people who can't become Philosophers exist.

But this is not a permanent condition,
it is a mixture of unhealthy things that stand in their way.

Stress, overwork, servitude, following orders,
and making other people's lives easier.

And a simple test of this state, is,
can you enjoy an audio book?

You don't have to read it,
you just need to listen and flow.

If you can't flow,
it means you got to pack for the Appalachian Trail, often.

It is not just the philosopher in you that fails to grow,
but also Authenticity, Dignity, Class, Creativity, Compassion.

And certainly Knowledge, Wisdom, and Love Of Life,
and of course your Greatness; that depends on all these lovely items.

This is an extreme danger, because all the decisions you make in that state,
are mostly incompatible with who you really are, and by extension the elder you.

Philosophers, and the philosopher that you are meant to become,
are a force on the scale of the universe; A Universal Power.

Philosophers get to see the lies and the future,
they can see where the lairs are.

And like a mother can tell when their baby is lying,
they can watch lies in real time as they unfold before them.

You see, when we are all allowed to grow up,
the liars have nowhere to hide.

The world,
corrects it self.

People connect,
across all borders.

That you are meant to become a Philosopher on your way to growing all the way up,
is one of the most sacred things in the world.

As a Philosopher, a Lover of Wisdom,
becomes the Keeper of Earth.

Once we are allowed and encouraged to grow all the way up,
all the world problems will become repaired.