#1545: A Handsome Tail; Or, Evolution Made A Terrible Mistake And Everything Is At Stake
Thursday • October 5th 2023 • 11:25:50 pm • 1KB

A really nice and bushy long tail, will cheer you up without a fail. A tail is really good stuff, it will make anyone laugh. When you put on a tail, you simply stop feeling frail. Look, I know you think this is odd, and while that reasoning is not flawed....

#1544: The Question Of Freedom Of Will Is About Real Education
Wednesday • October 4th 2023 • 11:36:41 pm • 3KB

It is important to note, that asking about clarity of thought, also shows us that schools are failing us, that they need repair. It may just be, that standardizing education, was a terrible mistake, because we each have a unique constellation of...

#1543: Preventing Workout Injuries; Or, Cut Your Shoe Before It Cuts You
Tuesday • October 3rd 2023 • 11:00:33 pm • 2KB

The most important transformative workout advice, is to work out daily, until the final transformation is reached. There is no need to spend 20 years on body building, if you can do it in three or four. A daily workout, comes with a lot of problems,...

#1542: Avoid Standardized Education
Monday • October 2nd 2023 • 11:25:11 pm • 5KB

Once adults come up with an idea that makes them money, they will never give it up, no matter how stupid it is. Such is the case with Standardized Education, an idea so dumb, even the name sounds stupid. The “Standardized” in Standardized Education, is...

#1541: Bodybuilding Explained
Sunday • October 1st 2023 • 10:59:27 pm • 4KB

Bodybuilding is about two things, lifting weights with a plan in mind, and not stopping. The first is the simplest thing in the world, you lift something heavy up, put it down, and do it again. It is good if you have been obese all your life, as that means...

#1540: The Likeness Doctor
Sunday • October 1st 2023 • 1:19:55 pm • 2KB

Skip Sponsored Ads On YouTube Block Ads with uBlock Origin Introduction 5 TIPS ON CAPTURING LIKENESS ❤️ How to IMPROVE THE LIKENESS IN YOUR PORTRAITS - Charcoal Drawing Tutorial The SECRET to Making a Portrait Look Like Your Model Portrait Painting Tutorial...

#1539: Until You Become A Great Being; Or, Younger Generations Deserve Explanations
Saturday • September 30th 2023 • 11:38:12 pm • 3KB

We have to explain to the students, why we are tolerating indoctrination. Why are we tolerating colleges, not only robbing everyone of their savings and earnings. But also forcing students, to take out loans, that cannot be forgiven by bankruptcy....

#1538: The Wise Mind
Friday • September 29th 2023 • 11:21:22 pm • 3KB

Do not let the world change you, and know that it will try. Many minds are tricked, by indoctrination alone. Protect your mind, and constantly search for wisdom. All the wisdom, has been safely stored in books. And the library, is the only thing false...

#1537: A Philosopher’s Walk
Thursday • September 28th 2023 • 11:34:57 pm • 3KB

We must learn to examine life, because we can be easily tricked into false beliefs. Human beings make decisions based on what they see and know, and history shows that is often turned against us. Therefore, we have to examine life, to get a true picture of...

#1536: Thrice Or Quince, Because You Are More Than Just A Human
Wednesday • September 27th 2023 • 10:26:00 pm • 4KB

The universe emerged physics and chemistry, but you are luck, a very lucky combination of events. That was able to hitch a ride, on the strange kind of programming we call evolution. Just then, right at the end, where we are at now, there was another kind...

#1535: Little Adventures Go A Long Way
Tuesday • September 26th 2023 • 11:14:25 pm • 4KB

Just because we have things called schools, it does not mean that they teach the way a school should. It is probably not even possible to be actually taught, all our knowledge consists of things we learn ourselves. Learning is an inside out process, not an...

#1534: The Mother Of All Sciences
Monday • September 25th 2023 • 11:26:08 pm • 2KB

When schools are shown to be ineffective, you can’t just sit there pretending to learn. Your GPA and a Diploma will already worthless, the path ahead, will only consist of luck. Gambling with your mind, the content of your character, and all the future of...

#1533: Philosophy Is For You
Sunday • September 24th 2023 • 11:00:04 pm • 1KB

Philosophy is for you, to resume where great beings leave off. Do not wait, do not delay, take to philosophy today. It has been created to teach, and help you avoid simple mistakes. You'll be able to look, past the trickery of every crook. It will help you...

#1532: The Spooky
Sunday • September 24th 2023 • 7:43:39 pm • 2KB

Þat Mælti Mín Móðir (My Mother Told Me in Old Norse) - Cover by The Pagan Minstrel Highlander Soundtrack - Queen - Princes of the Universe HQ HIGHLANDER • QUEEN, Who Wants to Live Forever 01 - A Kind Of Magic (Highlander Version) - Queen Remastered 2011 Då...

#1531: Body, Mind, And Humankind
Saturday • September 23rd 2023 • 11:13:16 pm • 7KB

Unlike fake education, that cannot help but to drift towards more abstraction, and thus become ever more ineffective. Real things are always intricately stitched together, they don't just influence one another, but provide critical support to each other....

#1530: Invitation To Self Education
Friday • September 22nd 2023 • 10:58:30 pm • 3KB

When learning for real there is no such thing as failure, there is no punishment, memorization, or useless noise. There is only an impossible to resist adventure, and most of these adventures are tiny branches of a large tree. As I write this a dozen...

#1529: So You Signed Up For The Gym... Now What?
Thursday • September 21st 2023 • 11:02:36 pm • 4KB

Above all, don't copy workouts of other people, chances are they only workout for two minutes and sit around for 43. You should workout the whole time you are at the gym, and never ever, ever stop or rest. Your body requires a clear signal to adapt,...

#1528: A Message From Your Elder Self On The Subject Of Case Of Mondays And The Cure Of Wednesdays
Wednesday • September 20th 2023 • 11:16:12 pm • 2KB

It has somehow snuck up on us, that if we just wait for Wednesdays… We can get to the weekend, faster. This has become a common cure, for the case of Mondays. But this daring cure, unfortunately comes with a side effect. And the side effect, is death. By...

#1527: Accepting Responsibility For Your Own Fitness
Tuesday • September 19th 2023 • 10:40:17 pm • 4KB

By not working out your body enters an unhealthy state, and in its kindness will not alert you to that... Unless you try to pick something heavy up, or maybe fall from a couple of stairs, or have an urgent reason to run some short distance. Then you will...

#1526: Childhood’s End; On The Subject Of Post Trail Depression
Monday • September 18th 2023 • 11:09:35 pm • 3KB

Like growing up, the great adventures, are a one way road; and there is no return. There is no going back to the way things were, and that is true for whether you walk the trails or not. Life is constantly changing, things come and go, days add and...

#1525: To Resume Where The Great Beings Leave Off
Sunday • September 17th 2023 • 10:42:19 pm • 3KB

All moments are special, every tick and tock of the clock. Do not lead an ordinary existence, in a world that is yet to develop a global culture of greatness... Majority will be always wrong, and always easily deceived and mislead. Neither practice...

#1524: The Hermit
Sunday • September 17th 2023 • 7:31:10 pm • 3KB

"Walden Pond", composed by David Tolk HD 1080p "Trip to Walden Pond" | Hanneke Cassel @ MBSC 2014 Walden by Henry David Thoreau - Full Narrated Book Walden Pond Reflect On Henry David Thoreau’s Vision Of Walden Pond | The Daily 360 | The New York Times...

#1523: Authentic Education And The Resulting Culture Of Greatness
Saturday • September 16th 2023 • 11:14:36 pm • 3KB

Real and effective education is just the beginning, a start, the world culture that follows is far more. Today, your politicians can’t understand you, they are of a different culture. A lucky politician, who simply could afford to sit on the election...

#1522: The Way Of The Plumpkin; Or, On Communicating With Your Body, And Slowly Getting Into Marvelous Shape
Friday • September 15th 2023 • 11:04:10 pm • 3KB

Above all, don't let nasty monsters get to you, let them wallow in their gossip, let them choke on their own filth. Let them talk behind your back, because behind is where they belong. Don't let people tell you, what you are doing wrong, or not enough of....