Programming Is Fun
Programming Is Fun

Thursday • June 30th 2022 • 5:39:51 pm

Programming Is Fun

Thursday • June 30th 2022 • 5:39:51 pm

Svelte is a nice example,
as it is simple and it comes with a neat tutorial.

Vue.js has a step-by-step tutorial too,
the react tutorial is a bit insane.

There is no one to make you hurry,
or stand over you.

By learning bits of programming,
you begin remembering that you are smart.

Schools trick us into thinking,
that we are only as good as our grades.

And programming can remind us,
we are just as good as aaaall the smart people.

The tutorials,
show what real education is like.

The speed at which you learn,
is influenced by what you know.

The more you know,
the more carefully you go.

It maybe easy,
to memorize everything on day one.

But it is not good,
because you have to dream.

You have to dream everything up,
you have to build scaffolds in your mind.

Today, often programming starts with the web page,
and Svelte shows you everything step by step.

Especially when they show you a reactive button,
in section 2, under Reactivity / Assignments.

With a program like P5.js you can really get into math,
you can create sound and graphics or both.

It wouldn't be too hard to explain math this way,
computer math is amazing, everything is always moving.

Sigma summation is my favorite example,
and you should get angry.

Teachers preoccupied you with trivial math,
where there were entire worlds to discover.

Here, all the boring calculations are done for you,
and you day dream in radians of the unit circle.

First you reinvent vectors,
so that you paint, what you wan to paint.

And then when you get tired of painting,
you reinvent magnets or attractors.

Just like there is no limit to your intelligence,
when you explore on your own and learn for real.

There is no limit to how far programming can take you,
and even better, there is no limit to how far you can take programming.