The Golden Books
The Golden Books

Sunday • August 11th 2024 • 1:01:16 pm

The Golden Books

Sunday • August 11th 2024 • 1:01:16 pm


We need guidance at a young age, and terachers are not nearly enough.

The notion of using grades, to encourage students to learn is cruel.

Students tend to measure themsleves, with what teachers use as a trick

Parents arent enough, they are made poor and busy.

Audio books specifically written for growing up, can work, though they will come under instant attack.

As tehy will reject meduiocrity, the very substance that turns a profit.

The world will not destroy it self, an age will come where young people take charge.

They will reject adults, and reject false leaders.

The Golden Books

Books that create a code, so that humanity becomes more resilient.

The code comes from a crossection, between Socrates and his family...

And the Gentle Lady, and The Gentleman.

Made modern, to integrate with today's culture, and drive individualized education.

These books will be written, out of love of Humanity.

Not in hopes of control, not in hopes of halting humanity's development.

It will open with the parents explaining, that they are limited, but that can't stop them.

They will ask to have their mistakes forgiven, and to listen carefully.

Because the recordings that follow, are the best they could create.

For every year of the child's life, there will be a new 12 chapter book.

Beginning in January, and ending in December.

Each year the books will grow in complexity, revealing more about humanity.

And teaching functional knowledge, with the most functional knowledge first.

How to rise in life and stand independent, how learn to operate and program commuters.

How to create art with wall projectors, and compose music with beat sequences and piano rolls.

The books will encourage the children, to prepare for the ancient quests.

To walk the world's greatest trails, no never give up, and never surrender.

And never be ruled, or sentenced, by the small minded again.

The opening will begin with an inscription, retrieved from West Point.

A Human being, will not lie, cheat, or steal, nor tolerate those who do.

And carry on to lay, layer by layer a picture of an unbreakable humanity.

One that will never be mislead, by the military, by propaganda, by false leaders, or religions.

A human being is to rise to love life, to feel joy of life, and its incredible power.

That life must always be protected, and no one has the right to warp a mind.

Human beings must grow up, with the correct uncorrupted code of conduct.

Otherwise, they forget what surrounds them.

And they build, on uneven and shaky foundation.

We have all grow up, under the continued threat of nuclear war.

Those of you brought up in the cities, have had intercontinental missiles pointed at you all your lives.

You have been forced into poverty, and told to pursue happiness.

Begin with Socrates, with a focus on discovering false philosophers and leaders.

And take to the adventure trails, Appalachian Trail, Pacific Crest Trail, Continental Divide.

Or the equivalent on your continents, and listen to a thousand books as you take your sacred journey.

Transcend, transcend, or perish whilst unwittingly holding humanity back.

By blindly serving your false leaders, and sending your children to antidepressant driven wars.

I repeat, open your eyes.

Honor your fellow human beings, by ensuring that they receive an authentic education.

Treat them with kindness and love, so that they will grow free of threats.

Unite, converge on wisdom, so that you are not used as tools for profit of temporary lite men and their fantasies.

And reject all that is holding humanity back, starting with leas and manipulations first.

By accepting the responsibility for real, and authentic and functional and meaningful self education.

That makes a difference, that helps you grow all the way up, until what marks an adult is, nothing short of greatness.

Work hard not to tune your hardships out, but to leave a lasting legacy.

That will add to permanently moving humanity away, form the blight of sick fantasy and self destruction.

Go get your backpack, pack for the trails tonight.

Begin with all the narrated philosophy books you can find, listen to them countless times.

With each iteration, you will understand, more.

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