Learning Programming Is Easy, You Just Have To Put Your Foot In The Door
Learning Programming Is Easy, You Just Have To Put Your Foot In The Door

Thursday • September 5th 2024 • 10:12:18 pm

Learning Programming Is Easy, You Just Have To Put Your Foot In The Door

Thursday • September 5th 2024 • 10:12:18 pm

"I Wish I Had 2,000 Feet So I Could Put 500 Of Them In Each Of Your Asses." -- Red Forman

I am now wise enough, to avoid learning multiple languages.

I want to invest my focus, power, patience, energy, madness, creativity, inventiveness, chaos, and anarchy into one good one.

But, back when I was exploring languages, all I needed to really get going...

Was to put my foot, in it's door.

It is a programming tradition that every language, always has a hello world example.

That is a magnificent start, but you also need to know how to execute it.

If you are reading this on a desktop browser, you can just press Shift+CTRL+I to open Web Developer Tools.

And then just type in console dot log, round bracket, single quite, Hello World single quote, closing round bracket, and press enter to execute.

This is why I recommend JavaScript, it is the language of the web.

Once you know how to write hello world, and how to execute it.

You go for the double whammy, you search for text and video tutorials.

Text tutorials are not outdated, you can copy and paste, and you don't have to hurry.

And video tutorials are so rich, that sometimes you don't have to follow along.

And I recommend that you start with Electron Fiddle Tutorials, as that is a quick way to begin creating Desktop Applications.

If you want to get creative, and practice JavaScript syntax, the language, the brackets, and even formatting.

I recommend you go for the p5.js tutorial, as it is very friendly.

And if you want something with more meat on the bone, take a node.js + express.js tutorial, or get a taste of NativeScript.

I also recommend that you browse java script libraries, visit JavaScript topics, and both JavaScript and Node.js Awesome Lists.

Later on you will need a source code repository like git, a unit testing.

Consider avoiding VisialStudio if you can, I use Pulsar, but maybe you should consider zed.

While you are learning programming, program as much as you can.

When you begin working on serious programs, you diagram on paper first.

But the best recommendation I can possibly make, for learning JavaScript...

Is to just relax and watch tutorial videos, until something grabs you by the button.

And lastly, if you are not interested in learning programming, focus on what you are interested in.

And look how much better you would be at it, if you could automate it, simulate it, visualize it, or script it with AI.

The ability to program is a fundamental, like language or reading, or basic math.

It is a multiplier, it makes you more powerful, at anything and everything.

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