Growing Up Is Super Easy
Growing Up Is Super Easy

Tuesday • February 25th 2025 • 7:35:04 pm

Growing Up Is Super Easy

Tuesday • February 25th 2025 • 7:35:04 pm

First you need the power to create, and that is programming, it helps you push forward without fear of poverty.

You don’t need a warehouse, or an office, and you don’t need to invest money up front.

You create things, that other people want, or wish they had time to create.

And you sell them, sometimes for a price, sometimes as a subscription.

But you can’t just create products, for the sake of them being products for sale.

Each of your creations must be inspired, must must matter to you.

It must be something you actually want to create, that the lack thereof gets on your nerves.

Surely you have been annoyed by computer programs, that you were forced to use for some reason.

And you knew that there was a better way, and that is where your creation has its beginning.

But of course, before you create your programs, you have to learn programming, and that feels cumbersome.

That is a huge, step, that is in your way, and it may seem ridiculous….

That to do something great, you must first learn another great thing.

And you are wrong, if you think that I am about to, talk about delayed gratification.

Because you need greatness, power is just embarrassing or unhinged gibberish without greatness.

And the quest for greatness, is all about learning.

Quest for Greatness, is just another name for growing up.

Life is not about passing tests, going to college, getting a job, and building a carrer.

That is what people, who hope you become their convenient machine, hope for.

But you are a creature of the stars, with a vast intellect that requires constant challenges.

And greatly depends on integrating, you intellectual inheritance.

Which is to say about 10,000 really wise books, narrated form is best.

As a book is meant to be heard, not merely read.

Books are a reliable form of data transfer, from the great, to those who hope to become great.

And without that wisdom, and knowledge, you go nuts.

Simply by making up your own definitions of things, you never learned about and you don’t understand.

Gray aliens, alien abductions, steal beams and jet fuel, gold standard and economy, pseudo science and science denial.

I would call that, squirrel level nuts.

To get a good grasp on any one thing, you need to read and re-read 5 to 15 books about it.

And even then you only get your self up on firm ground, or put your foot in the door, that is usually where the real learning starts.

Greatness is not powered by great deeds, if that was the case, any Jackass could rise by just being lucky.

Greatness is all about inheriting powerful wisdom, from people who lived good lives.

And integrating it together within you, synthesizing new things, and helping Humanity become wiser.

When you accept Greatness as a fact of life, which is to say that you must grow all the way up to become a great being.

Learning whatever is in your way, is just a matter of growing up, of existing as an adult.

And I have some bad news for you, as you might have learned from High School.

People want you to cram, pass tests, call it an education, and then live paycheck to paycheck, to power the economy.

Balanced education and productive member of society, is a fantasy.

The reality is, unless you learn for real and on your own, you will be crushed by poverty, and too tired to learn.

So it is not just Power to push, and Greatness to see and rise, it is also Strength.

And strength is not a made up thing, not is it measured by a dumbbell, it is a clear as daylight, I call it Intellectual Hygiene.

But it is not as simple as preventing others from crushing you, to make their own lives more convenient.

Because you have to put a clear mind to work, you will not be able to do that in a concrete jungle rat trace.

A mind is a sweet and delicate thing, that can be easily clouded, and hurt, and requires healing.

As much healing as it needs, not some pre-measured duration, that you take off from work.

To find your strength, to refine your ideas of power, to open your mind to wisdom that brings you greatness.

You need adventure, mussy shoes, sometimes rain, an occasional mouse that scares the jimmies out of you.

And yes, you need powerful terrifying thunder, winds so mad that you will pan a day ahead to camp at the base of the hills.

And you need surprises, booth bad ones, when you end up stuck for days waiting for snow to clear.

And good ones, where you feel, danger, a sinking feeling behind you. of what would have happened, had you not made it that far.

To see postcard beauty, miracles of nature, views that take your breath away and make you just sit the hell down and cry.

Again, you are a creature of the stars, not a rat in a race the exit from the concrete jungle.

Do you see now, how greatness is but a matter of narrated books, playing in your ears while you are out in heavens.

And do you see how you learn programming syntax, from a damp JavaScript cookbook, and copies of entire code repositories.

And how to write well, from API Docs, Style Guides, and a million Programming Tutorials and Talk videos.

In retrospect you look back, and see how important it all was.

You never regret your rise, and you never stop rising.

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