A Note On How To Simply And Effortlessly Increase Your Lifting Weight
A Note On How To Simply And Effortlessly Increase Your Lifting Weight

Friday • September 8th 2023 • 10:58:09 pm

A Note On How To Simply And Effortlessly Increase Your Lifting Weight

Friday • September 8th 2023 • 10:58:09 pm

There is a sure and simple workout plan, that asks for gradually increasing the dumbbell weight.

Adding more weight to your workout, throws everything off, and can feel overwhelming - but there is a way.

First allow me to describe the workout plan, though this method works for all kinds of workouts.

Never sit, if you are large, try not to work out less than two hours.

And use an interval timer, to gradually eliminate your rest periods.

This workout is a flexible dance like routine, where all you have to do, is hit every beat.

You can walk at first, then rock back and forth, with dumbbells in hand...

And finally, get flexible, and perform more fluid motions

This will look like dancing, with one striking difference.

You have to increase the temp of your music, aim to workout to for 170 beats per minute.

Grab onto dumbbells, and lift one, while lowering the other.

Finally, you will start with 2 or 3 pound dumbbells, and as with all the other components.

You have to gradually increase the weight, from 2 to 3, from 3 to 5, from 5, to 8, per hand.

Be sure that you have the core strength for it all, so take extra long with your old weight, just to be sure.

Now, this method truly is effortless, it is so simple that it will feel anti climactic.

But you have to remember how exhausted you are, how you fought for every beat and BPM.

You deserve something effortless, you deserve simple.

Do not attempt to increase you wait, as a function of your workout, or even on an average day.

Prepare new music, songs you've never danced to before, start on a crisp Monday or a mellow Friday.

Push play on the new play-list, and instead of choosing your normal lifting weight.

Choose the one that is one step higher, the energy that new songs bestow upon you...

Will carry you throughout several workouts, and while you will notice the new body dynamics...

You will neither fell discomfort, or annoyed.

Lastly, I have a quick method for discovering new songs, that you may find useful, even if just to test this in your own workout.

Put a random country name, when searching for your favorite genre.

If you like techno, try French Techno, or better yet search for Bolivia Techno.

You can also mix instruments, try throat singing techno.

Or select somethin entirely new, like War Drums, or Taiko Drums.

To adjust the tempo to your needs, use a free and open source software program for editing audio.