Integrate Your Future; Or, Stand Up For Effective Education
Integrate Your Future; Or, Stand Up For Effective Education

Wednesday • September 4th 2024 • 11:25:06 pm

Integrate Your Future; Or, Stand Up For Effective Education

Wednesday • September 4th 2024 • 11:25:06 pm

“School is not a place for smart people” -- Rick Sanchez

Education, knowledge, is a living organism, it starts with a delicate seed and grows into a magnificent tree.

School, your teachers, are performers, skilled to get you to pass state tests by means of memorization.

Because, as far as tests are concerned, temporary memorization and fill comprehension look the same on paper.

The people who were supposed to protect you, stopped reading books, and severed their connection to the hard earned past.

We are at a stage, where we are bounding off the very bottom, we have fallen, to feel the ground, it is how we know schools failed.

Education and Authentic Schools are the most important thing there is, without our hard earned past, we stay on the bottom, enslaved by mediocrity.

Perfect example of that are religious institutions, they faked effective education, to create a congregation.

Presided over a parasitic organization, that provides no value, no real relief.

In fac the notion that you must serve in life, to arrive at a paradise after death, is an insult.

Life is the promise, the paradise, the miracle, and people who trick you out of it are evil.

“Evil has the power to assume pleasing shape”, as that saying goes.

Just like there cannot be any compromise between good an evil, because good does not need anything from evil, it only stands to lose.

Liars easily out-compete, and out destroy honest people, it takes centuries to invents systems to build a cathedral.

But only a fool with a match to destroy it, good guys rarely win, open your eyes.

Where education and knowledge is organic and connected, ineffective education is a shotgun blast of disconnected noise.

This noise, just happens to perfectly fit the equally ineffective tests, when smeared on a piece of paper, it becomes a passing grade.

But, if you participate in this, you become a fool.

Because, not only do you not learn anything, but you get the teachers that betrayed you, paid off.

See, shool is out most beautiful idea, but the good teachers and leaders were out-competed.

The lazy teachers who just followed directions, of equal ignorant and arrogant leaders, crushed and replaced them.

And who ever did not teach the scattered curriculum they were supposed to, got punished, and forced to do what they are told.

When you are taught for real, you fail state tests, schools lose accreditation, and lairs don’t get paid.

But if you don’t learn for real, if you have no organically integrated knowledge within you.

Your future becomes disintegrated, you are disabled to build your future, and you have to lie like your teachers did.

In one way or another the process repeats it self, and those who do bare minimum, or have generational wealth even, rule you.

There is a very good reason, why when you have a moment to yourself, while working shit shift at the gas station, you can’t see your future.

It is the disability brought on ineffective, fake, scattered noise.

That was driven into you, and that you were forced to accept, under the treat of bad GPA that could cut you off from your future.

You thought your GPA dictated the life ahead of you, but it is actually the choices you make towards authenticity.

When you look a liar in the face, and they see in your eyes, that you are unafraid, and will not participate in their lies.

They lose control over you, and you begin growing on your own.

They had a saying in the American South, “A learned servant is a no good servant”, to put it mildly.

To add what was on Nat Turners and his Rebel’s mind, “Evil begets evil.”

Therefore, you must reject, fake education. To escape it curse entrely.

It is the only way you can integrate your future, authentic education give you the tools to construct your future.

Fake education, will keep you a servant.

And this is not a question of merely escaping servitude, or basking in the mediocrity of uncultured ghouls.

Child, you are meant to grow all the way up, and become an authentic, great being.

You are to leave a lasting legacy that a the very least, many of the future troublemakers will consume in a narrated format.

During their great crossing of the Application, Pacific Crest, and Continental Divide Trails.

Go see your principal, and tell them, that you will not let her transfer you out as a gifted child.

And that you are not interested in some crappy balanced education, but that what you care for is functional authentic and profound education.

Practicing paining with the aid of wall projectors, composing music by ear with beat sequencers and piano rolls.

Learning programming and programmatic 3D modeling, to generate jeweler and program smart parts that can auto-resize.

Tell them that yo expect this, now, not in the next school, but now.

And then ask your peers, to stand up for learning programming first.

Gather at the library, pay the tutors, build a real school inside your fake school.

And if not, learn for real, on your own, start with programming JavaScript.

And if you fail, you will become a blind, proud, ghoul, as your grandchildren are shipped off to another meanigless, preventable war.

Integrate your future, and become a great being with a legacy to match.

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