Teachers, Stop Pretending To Teach
Teachers, Stop Pretending To Teach

Sunday • September 8th 2024 • 11:21:23 pm

Teachers, Stop Pretending To Teach

Sunday • September 8th 2024 • 11:21:23 pm

You have successfully threatened your students with bad GPA, that results in lower status and crappy career choices.

But school was invented to eliminate bullies like you, and do the opposite, help students rise and become creators.

Lying, all the way to the opposite, has already marked you, as one of the men who sold the world.

When children learn programming, or even use a wall projector to master oil painting.

They discover what real education is like, not only are you not teaching…

But your teaching materials have been crafted, to coerce your students into memorization.

Memorization being much more stable for testing, than comprehension, which demands authentic education.

One nasty lie on top of the other, and you keep on taking that check home.

It is the funding, it is the administration, it is the syllabus, it is everything but the old hard working you.

You are just hard at work, perfectly following worthless directions.

You are both blameless, helpless, and perfectly deserving of gratitude and pride…

As you pass your students along, to graduate, uneducated and scared...

Scared of their future, that you in your arrogance and ignorance turned into poverty.

Stop, stop right now.

Please, begin teaching your students programming, especially prior to abstract mathematics.

And ensure that they are able to build desktop applications, that they can sell with minimal need for servers.

Help them into science with visualization and simulation, let them build whatever they have trouble with understanding.

End the charade of graduation, and replace it with the impossible challenge of walking the Triple Crown.

The Appalachian, Pacific Crest, and Continental Divide Trails, while listening to books by authentic intellectuals who changed the world.

Your children are to graduate as capable programmers, capable of erasing their poverty with software development.

And as dreamers, inventors, contemplatives, and creatives, who fully adopted their intellectual inheritance.

All the great works that set our minds free and help us think clearly, and as a result inherited the culture of greatness that comes along with it.

Whether you got tricked and didn’t notice being a cog in a fraud machine, or participate in it willingly to relish in all the approximations of rewards.

You have destroyed, talent, creativity, self esteem, uniqueness, all under the guise of helping - for which you will never be forgiven for.

Teach your children programming and resulting moneymaking, hiking and wise adventure.

Either redeem yourself, or get the hell out of their way.

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