Food, Body, And Mind; A Picture Of A Simple Integrated Workout
Food, Body, And Mind; A Picture Of A Simple Integrated Workout

Friday • August 2nd 2024 • 10:40:41 pm

Food, Body, And Mind; A Picture Of A Simple Integrated Workout

Friday • August 2nd 2024 • 10:40:41 pm

There appears to be only one simple exercise, that will fix up your body and give you muscles quickly.

I call it, endurance lifting.

Where you work your way up to lift dumbbells, three hours per day, five days a week.

For as long, as it takes.

And it will only take, months.

Some people are shocked at this, even offended by such an exercise.

But when you are large, as in obese, you need quick results, fast.

You can’t spend 20 years, trying to burn up your fat.

Endurance lifting is, jogging and later dancing with dumbbells.

And dumbbells, work your entire body, from hands to toes.

And because you can do multiple exercises with dumbells, you never stop to rest, you just switch to a different dumbbell exercise.

I sometimes call this jogging with your upper body, by means of dumbells.

And you work your way up, up to an hour non stop, the same way joggers do it.

You aim to rest less and less, until you lift non-stop, you can use an interval timer to measure and eliminate your rest.

This is truly a transformative workout, you start slow, as a fat parson you end as a muscular person, a bodybuilder.

It also works for skinny people, as endurance lifting is about sending a big message to your body: ADAPT!

And as your body becomes a little bit stronger, you go a little bit longer, a little bit faster, and a little bit heavier.

You gradually push harder, but not so hard that you are forces to stop.

A good test, if what I am saying is true, is slowly jogging with light dumbbells, not too light but not too heavy.

You won’t be able to jog with dumbbells above your head, so in the end dancing is much better.

And dancing, also helps you drop into a dance trance, as you focus on lifting to the beats of songs.

And finally, you need food that helps you with endurance, and there is only one such tried and tested meal: trailmix.

I recommend that you soak your trailmix overnight, just so that it is easier on your teeth, but you do it your own way.

Soggy trailmix, especially when chilled is compatible, with your protein supplement powder, so you can try mixing the two.

For those of you who never heard of it, simple trailmix is just raisins and peanuts.

It is something you should mix at home, and it can’t hurt to add all kinds of dried fruits and a variety of nuts and seeds.

You will need to add an electrolyte drink mix, because traimix will help you work hard, and that means electrolyte issues.

Now let us take a step back, and look at the web, or integration of components here.

Lets start with my most favorite one, focusing on lifting to the beats of your songs will put you in a dance trance.

You start with rocking to slow songs at first, then walk back and forth faster, and eventually twist and turn, while finding faster and faster songs.

By selecting slow songs at first, music can’t overwhelm you, and force you to stop.

The existence of free interval timer apps, and cheap clip-on interval timers, means all the math is done for you, you don’t need to check your watch.

You keep your focus on the beats of your song, and the interval timer will vibrate to tell you when to stop and re-start.

Gradually working your way up to multiple hours per day, means people of all shapes and ages can join in and start building up.

You just start with lifting as little as three pounds for thirty seconds, and maybe two minutes rest, and only gently increase over time as you body lets you.

And this inedibly simple meal of protein powdered trailmix paired with an extra electrolyte drink, makes sure that no one runs out of energy.

Finally dancing with dumbbells, means that when you get tired, you can switch from to your back muscles, to biceps, without stopping.

Issues of pushing too hard, over-training, or injury, are almost eliminated, because you start in the beginning, and learn what to do as you slowly go up.

As your body becomes stringer, and not just in your arms, but back and legs as well, as twisting and turning to music is a gentle full body workout.

Parts of this workout were inspired by 1980 aerobics, and just noticing that jogging gives you muscles as long as you increase weights.

So the integration is rooted in other effective workouts, with a focus on always gently increasing speed, and weight, and often duration.

A workout must be a system of things, a hope of creating a web of multipliers.

So that music helps you focus, food helps you lift, and lifting grants your body the time to adapt.

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