Accept The Responsibility For Your Own Unique Self Education
Accept The Responsibility For Your Own Unique Self Education

Friday • September 20th 2024 • 11:24:36 pm

Accept The Responsibility For Your Own Unique Self Education

Friday • September 20th 2024 • 11:24:36 pm

Your teachers are so eager to get paid, that they don’t care that you receive a coherent education.

They will feed you pig drivel, just to put food on their own table.

And if you have teachers that can show you otherwise, ask them about students from the other semesters.

To get through it all, you have to learn on your own, and your education has to be a million times more powerful.

Than what top universities are pretending to sell… for all the money that student and government can muster.

The best way to accept the responsibility for your own education, is to fulfill one of your major duties as a human being.

Which is, to put it simply, in the absence of authentic teachers, you become the teacher.

The same platforms that are used to turn you into a pancake, are very good for hosting your lessons.

You don’t have to worry about having any subscribers at all, your broadcast is just to ensure the integrity of your self education.

Your legacy will demand a lot more wisdom, so your first lessons are just a powerful independent start.

You start with your own questions, the questions that really call to you.

I’ll close, with giving you an example from my own life.

I love the universe, the distant worlds, the possibilities and permutations.

Needing to learn english, or sit on front of a TV, I took to shows about aliens.

Though unlike our moronic pseudo educated senators, I felt strongly about Sculley's mission, not Mulder.

And the words, “There has to be a rational explanation for this”, will be stuck with me for life.

Even so, my first trip to the New Your Public Library, was in search of answers about Aliens, and Mokele-mbembe.

But a trip to the library, will always leave you wiser, human beings are good at telling fiction from truth.

So as long as they get enough information, so as long as they keep reading more and more books.

And this particular book I found, made a huge mistake, from the perspective of making stuff up.

They crossed the streams, a beautiful thing to do as a fiction writer, but a very bad thing to do, as a writer that hopes to be taken serious.

One of the stories I read, said that the Big Foot, was beamed down by a UFO.

And in my teenage mind, a perfect little thought begun forming, what I called Ufology, was the birth of a shared fantasy, a young religion.

I’ve read a shelf full of books about “true” UFO stories in my teenage days, but every one of them, through the lens of a newly forming shared fantasy.

Which in turn undermined every other shared fantasy, some of which extremely deeply rooted, permeating agencies, and nations.

This was just a singe row of paperbacks, the next row ignited my admiration for Science Popularizes.

What a thorn in The Dark Age of effective education, must Carl Sagan’s “The Demon-Haunted World: Science as a Candle in the Dark” be.

And in fact Mr. Sagan describes, how sad this simple belief in UFO’s is, where the universe is so much more beautiful, so much more intricate.

Today, my curiosity about UFOs, is a very valuable embarrassment, I have had one foot in the dark age, because my teachers were liars.

I have distance myself from organized education, and aim far higher at authentic excellence.

In another cosmos, one that I can traverse, without worries about the twin paradox and itchy spacesuits.

The infinite complexity world, of powerful and beautiful programming.

And I’ll close by assuring you that my self education is progressing daily, just now I looked at various solutions for automatic dependency management.

In the world of reactive variables, commonly knows as coding behind spreadsheet formulas and cells.

Today this programming sits behind web pages, forms, server communication, and visual programming.

And the exciting part, is how to manage dependent data best, in the most beautiful way for weather you are working on.

Though a tiny part of software development, a very powerful one as one change causes an automatic cascade of updates.

Something you would never want to to program manually, but rather leave up to recursion, similar to a flock of birds.

Where the birds, don’t have to communicate complex ideas about their flight formation, just keep next to one another, the right way.

You have your own world of infinite complexity to discover, maybe genetics and medicine, maybe history and truth.

It is a world, where you will make beautiful litter flowers, out of what will sound like strange gibberish to everyone else.

In short, you learn best, and rise highest, in your own pursuits of excellence.

You don’t so much as learn every lesson, but independently reinvent it on you own as you grow all the way up…

To become, a great being.

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