How To Workout At The Gym? A Simple Fitness & Bodybuilding Formula
How To Workout At The Gym? A Simple Fitness & Bodybuilding Formula

Wednesday • December 25th 2024 • 12:04:15 am

How To Workout At The Gym? A Simple Fitness & Bodybuilding Formula

Wednesday • December 25th 2024 • 12:04:15 am

It is not how heavy you lift, it is how long you lift the weight you can handle for.

And you should aim to lift light for an hour, non stop, in-sync with the beat of slow songs to enter a trance.

But you should not lift so light that you can lift more, and not so heavy that you will be forced to stop for more than a few seconds.

By lifting, I mean using dumbbells.

Lifting them above your head, and when you get tired, switching to biceps.

And then lifting palm down, and even to the side.

You are just cycling all the standing dumbbell exercises, allowing the different muscle groups to rest.

Because you are just using dumbbells, you don’t have to distract yourself with anything.

You don’t have to stop to switch machines, or wait for someone to finish.

And when switching dumbbell exercises, when your arms get tired…

You just move your arms to a different position, you are allowed to just flow with the music trance.

If you are wondering how do you get to the point, where you even lift 3lb for a prolonged durations.

The answer is, the same way joggers do it, you train for it.

Waiting for your body to adapt, and thus slowly extending your endurance up to an hour.

First you train for 15 minute workouts, then 20 minute workouts, 25, 35, 45, and then you make your way into the 60 minute range.

Finally, once you achieve a stable hour long dumbbell routine, unlike with sets and reps, you now get to gradually challenge your body.

To continue encouraging it to develop further, workout 5 or more days a week, you can you 7 early on.

You should be able to double your workout duration, to two hours after a year or so.

Early on you can introduce more fluid motion, fluid motion synchronized to the beat of songs, is also called dancing.

You can find ever so slightly faster songs, in terms of beats per minute, you will now lift your dumbbells more frequently, lifting a higher total.

You can lift heavier, at first mixing 3 and 5 pounds, and finally switching to 5, and continuing on up as you adapt.

Eventually, when you dance with 15 or 17.5 pounds for 2 or 3 hours, you get abdominal muscles.

There is just that much going on in a full body exercise, your entire musculature, is adapting to the gentle challenges all at once.

You become very successful, precisely because you are gently moving forward, which give your body time to adapt to the new cleanness.

This is a very logical, very powerful workout, this is what our bodies evolved for; slowly adapting to daily, sustained physical challenges.

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