You Are Extremely Intelligent: Your Intelligence Is Sacred And No One Is Allowed To Put A Grade On It
You Are Extremely Intelligent: Your Intelligence Is Sacred And No One Is Allowed To Put A Grade On It

Monday • December 6th 2021 • 9:38:09 pm

You Are Extremely Intelligent: Your Intelligence Is Sacred And No One Is Allowed To Put A Grade On It

Monday • December 6th 2021 • 9:38:09 pm

Institutions are interested in numbers,
as they can easily argue that extreme abstractions and fantasies hold real data.

Do not be tricked,
do not allow yourself to be manipulated by people who do not care about your education, but only their creepy abstract numbers.

They are only interested in teaching the maximum number of students,
as little as they can get away with.

If you are successfully tricked to learn very little,
you will still be very smart, but easy to mislead.

Vaccine hesitancy has its roots in being taught very little,
but still having a powerful intellect.

People sense that they have been tricked,
and they start hesitating with everything.

They sense that trickery is at play,
from poverty, increasing prices, meaningless wars, and do-as-little-as-you-can politics.

It maybe rare that a person that senses that they were mislead,
hesitates with just one thing, they hesitate with everything they are asked or forced to do.

Now, lack of knowledge which comes from ineffective or fake scrolls,
places things like UFO/s and angels, creepy religions and their armageddons, on par with fact and science - but, it is not quite their fault.

Their teachers used them, for paychecks,
by cornering them with un-integrated knowledge.

Forcing them into thinking that they can game the educational system,
by memorizing for tests.

This is how being manipulated works,
we can kind of sense it, but we can't detect it.

There is a massive wall that puts on a convincing educational show,
with tasty raisins like the deans list, diplomas, graduations, promises of a great job.

All the while teaching as little as possible to as many as they can,
while taking the maximum amount of money for tuition.

Not just cash fees, but loans,
and not standard loans, but loans that cannot be forgiven by bankruptcy.

This is not a system that was designed,
it was grown the way slime mold grows.

A little bit at a time,
preferring the places that bring the most value.

So dumbing down of education,
and increasing tuition.

And then holding up outliers as evidence of success,
all those 4 students that went on to work for CERN.

Or that one girl that had perfect grades,
though not all Valedictorians allow themselves to be used this way.

When cornered,
the principals would say.

It is not possible to teach all the students a curriculum that is relevant to them,
so we only teach a curriculum that benefits the most.

If the principal became more enlightened by the damage schools cause,
for example with grades where students become silenced by being tricked into thinking they are not as intelligent.

If principals were shown that memorization is not in fact an education but a charade,
a charade that causes life long damage by trading functional and relevant knowledge for disconnected and irrelevant facts.

The principals, the deans, would then utter, that terrible whimper;
"How were we supposed to know?"

You intelligence is as sacred as your happiness, and as sacred as your heart and imagination,
as your spirit and creativity, and well being.

You may not submit your intelligence,
to any institution or teacher for any kind of evaluation or grading, or degrading as the case is today.

You are meant to learn from books that changer lives, and help humanity grow,
works celebrated by the most knowledgeable and wisest of Humanity.

You are not be graded down,
you are meant to be growing up, all the way up, walking an authentic road or real knowledge, until you too make lasting contributions to Human kind.

I am sorry to be the one to deliver this message,
but if you are a somewhere around middle school or high school... you are almost certainly being manipulated.

The teacher that is making you feel unintelligent,
is only doing that to keep you quiet, so that she or he can get paid with the least amount of effort.

She is forcing everyone to memorize,
that is not an education.

Don't bother arguing with them,
if you make your point, then the teacher will go crying to a principal, and one of you will be reassigned to another class.

The tears will be real,
she is poor an you are cornering her, and messing with the food that she needs to put food on the table to feed her kids.

The best that the principal can do for you,
is to feed you the Genius myth.

That you are exceptional, extremely intelligent, that the whatever need you,
that you should grow and learn, that too is a way to keep you quiet.

Some of the kids that graduate with high grades from prestigious universities,
temporarily and thus uselessly enhance their memory, prior to finals.

Fake or ineffective education is such a corrupting force,
that for some it will translate to a lifetime of addiction.

I think there a re people out there who have been promised a way to fix education,
only to be pushed down this dark, sometimes one way road.

These kids were not born addicts, and they would not become addicts if schools worked,
they were pushed into it.

Addiction is not just about the drug,
but the inability to part with the lifestyle that the drug facilitates.

This is why people say,
you need to change your lifestyle to get out of this hole.

It is because the lifestyle,
becomes a powerful force behind the addiction.

A fake education and lack of knowledge,
will continue corrupting a person throughout their life, to keep the job, or the title, or impress friends or family.

Again, folks who end up down this path are not born this way,
they are pressured by fake or ineffective education to go down this path.

And drugs will not actually give them a real education,
just a fake GPA and diploma, from - what is from their perspective - an utterly fake educational experience.

Colleges and Universities, including the brand name ones,
will ignore this, if they can get away with it.

Because not just selling out students, but turning them into drug users,
makes them look great.

Some schools will encourage low performing students,
to get treated for a disorder they don't have, with drugs that will improve their GPA.

None of this is education,
and all of it is temporary, and some of it is temporary in the worst way.

It it not possible to fake an education,
not is it possible to get it the moment you need it.

You have to begin learning on your own,
in a sequence that matches your curiosity and existing knowledge.

And at a pace and time of day,
that fits you best.

Make your way to what moves you,
and begin there.

But do not abandon your classmates,
learn about the mistakes of fake, or ineffective education, and help others by standing up and speaking out for them and the truth.

When you come under attack,
you have an opportunity to use the force against you, to rise, and become a great being.

Help the kids in the back,
they may not even know that everyone is memorizing.

Know that whether you rise to speak out in lunch rooms or auditoriums, or later in life,
real knowledge is your right, and it will take you to wisdom.

In your wisdom, sooner than later,
you will see that we are each meant to become a great being - it is all to human.