Say "No" To Balanced Education: It is A Flimsy Concept That Will Jeopardize Your Future
Say "No" To Balanced Education: It is A Flimsy Concept That Will Jeopardize Your Future

Thursday • September 12th 2024 • 11:29:11 pm

Say "No" To Balanced Education: It is A Flimsy Concept That Will Jeopardize Your Future

Thursday • September 12th 2024 • 11:29:11 pm

For a school to be real, it must be honest, it must be about teaching and effective results.

Balanced education, is a purposefully misleading term, that will hold you back from effective learning.

There is never one person that comes up with pernicious ideas, and lies need legs and constant fuel to sustain themselves.

It is a conspiracy, but a conspiracy of unwitting fools, it is just a job, it is just about putting food on the table.

But you see, lies are like a virus, they have negative impact on everything.

When there is a lot of state funding involved, and many angles to get at it.

From cutting grass, to calling pizza a vegetable.

Lies will just become the atmosphere, concepts like effective education will be laughed at.

Teachers may say, "What do you think this is?", "a band name university", and add:

"You are stuck with us", "no funding, no future."

All of this is just lies, a noose of hopelessness, to make lying easy.

I like to believe that there are many paths forward, but like with school, the government funds on the path the more theft.

You need to consider, how much the unique paths cost, both in mental health and loans.

So I say, unless you got something better, learn programming modern JavaScript.

So that you can easily setup a series of subscription businesses, that rely on artificial intelligence.

JavaScript helps you create Websites, Web Applications, Desktop Applications, Apps, and server and command line programs.

This is the difference between balanced education, and learning something for real.

One teachers you that mitochondria is the powerhouse of he cell, and the other helps you out of poverty.

So that later in life you can build games, that will help you explore the world.

Just memorizing scattered things, on a scattered schedule, is not an education.

And to face the fraud, we have to abandon abstract concepts.

They are just too easy, to use against you.

We have to connect them to reality, bolt it right down, in full bloom.

To use our mitochondria for example, you learn programming, and then build a game about the cell.

You extend yourself into the realm and context, of microbiology.

And mitochondria really is amazing, it is a separate organism, and in every cell.

If games are not for you, then simulations and visualizations, info-graphics and teaching materials probably are.

You can visit the common subjects from the world of programming and design, which will give you a passion for comprehending.

But leaping from one class to another, must be forbidden, that is as good as fraud.

The one really frightening thing about programming, is that it teaches you what real education is like.

And helps you see when you are being cheated, out of effective education.

You must never let a fake school, stand in the way of your authentic education.

Please stop jumping between subjects, stop memorizing to pass the tests.

Start with learning programming, as a fundamental like reading and arithmetic.

And let your curiosities dictate, where to take your programming next.

Here when you complete your web application, you just auction it off.

And begin work on a new one, this time with all the new knowledge you gained.

Don't let schools trick you away from effective education, begin by learning programming.

You are meant to grow all the way up, until you become a great being.

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