On Cracking The Bodybuilding Code
On Cracking The Bodybuilding Code

Saturday • September 14th 2024 • 10:24:27 pm

On Cracking The Bodybuilding Code

Saturday • September 14th 2024 • 10:24:27 pm

Bodybuilding is an endurance sport, you earn your endurance, and stay on the edge.

It couldn't be simpler, and people wouldn't care less.

People would rather spend years on a plateau, or just flexing their muscles, and getting nowhere.

Than doing it right, because, doing it right looks a little bit funny.

And requires an ounce of forethought, and strategy, and self evaluation.

Some bodybuilder, go as far as saying, “You can’t do what I do.”

Others built their muscles the long way, across multiple decades, and there is nothing to explain.

It took so ling, all they can say, is show up every day, and abandon all hope.

Models are useful, but even a good model, can’t feed you right.

And given that nobody listens, that you should eat trail-mix will fall on deaf ears.

I’ll mention one model, two horses in a stable.

One does the equivalent of sets and reps we all see at the gym, the other trots for an hour every day, weighted down…

But not so much that it must stop during that hour, and never less, then the maximum it can carry for an hour.

Both work our 5 days a week, get electrolytes and protein in their feed, and which horse will grow muscle, faster?

The one that takes a few steps and stops for 5 minutes, or the daring one that just ever so barely make it thorough the hour.

This is very similar to jogging, or cross country running, but unlike running, each time the horse gets good, it receives more weight.

That forethought, is about building up endurance, to first run the full distance for an hour, and worry about weights later.

This is exactly what joggers do, they don’t call it jogging, until they don’t need to stop and suck air.

And again, unlike joggers, a bodybuilder then adds, 5 pounds extra weight, if they make it, then they go to 7.5 pounds.

All the way up, until, they just ever so barely make it, without stopping.

Jogging is a good example, because you can use an interval timer, to precisely eliminate rest gaps.

But as bodybuilding is concerned, you need dumbbells, and you need to do more than just hang on to them.

To be precise the three complimentary exercises are, Dumbbell Lateral Raise, Standing Dumbbell Curls, and Overhead Shoulder Press.

And even now, after the note on endurance, trail-mix, interval timers, and the three exercises, it is still not enough to do it right.

Because you need to enter a dance trance, as not to stop, or get easily distracted.

To enter a dance trance you synchronize with a song, you both move your feet in a dance like motion, and lift to every beat.

Without this, you will fail, you can’t list non stop for an hour or more, without music lolling you into a brainless state.

And if you have difficulty focusing here, you will need puzzles, I recommend learning programming.

Finally, you have to avoid hollow advice, and build your own system, layer by later.

If a layer like Sets and Reps does not work as quick as you would hope, then you check to see see if high volume, multi hour works.

But you never do the same thing, and expect different results.

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