Growing Up In Wisdom
Growing Up In Wisdom

Monday • November 23rd 2020 • 8:08:08 pm

Growing Up In Wisdom

Monday • November 23rd 2020 • 8:08:08 pm

Lack of education must be recognized as the highest threat,

to the security of our world.

We are not to force children into poverty,

by selling a mere impression of knowledge.

Privacy is to be recognized,

as a Basic Human right.

And those of you who hate, or just laugh,

know in no uncertain terms, that you will be forgotten.

The younger generations are sacred,

and they are to be honored by free and effective education.

They are to be granted privacy,

free acres to any and all educational materials and all books, including audio books.

Those of you who are looking to turn a profit,

by dangling education as a carrot, will be forgotten in disgrace.

Rest of my note,

is for the Children.

Know that parents are often victims to their cognitive biases,

out of lack of education, out of never having met a real teacher.

Know, with all certainty that borders are wrong,

they are a symptom of poison that our biases drive into us when unchecked.

The effects of our cognitive biases burn brightest and spread fastest,

when fueled by lack of education; poverty of mind and wallet.

The world of today is choking on chaos born from lack of education and wisdom,

prestigious positions are taken up by lying pretenders whose only aim is to fake it until they make it.

They are unaware of their lack of education,

they do not know what wisdom is, most of them just want to feed to no end.

Only in wisdom can the world become what it is mean to be,

one home, for us all, our entire family.

We are only divided by levels of education,

in Wisdom we are one, and we are each Unique and Infinitely Beautiful.

You are not so serve, you are the future,

you are to lead the world to unity and wisdom.

In poverty certain imaginary things spread in our minds like viruses,

they are fueled by fear, darkness, uncertainty and lack of education.

They become a beacon to those who like to frighten,

and take enlightenment away with threats punishment for no other reason than to tower and feed.

It your great responsibility to set yourself free,

do not be a slave to a cult.

You are meant to become a Wise Being by listening to and reading books,

and you are meant to become a Great Being by helping your loved ones and even some of your enemies towards enlightenment and freedom.

If a school is not teaching you,

then it is not a school, and you have to find a real one.

Do not become tricked by a mere impression of education,

you don't need a job, you need to be a business owner, and a leader.

We need you to stand as competition to overpriced medicine and companies that violate human rights for profit,

to corporations that cannot have hearts and slick talking psychopaths, who will never see value in helping you.

Especially those who announce themselves with,

with bite sized lies.

Build you own schools out of books,

may you share libraries.

May you build schools free of shame, judgment, pressure to cheat, and threat punishment,

or prison - which is what being held back is.

Share your wisdom amongst each other,

tell the world about your parents in audiobooks and torrents of videos.

Question poverty, question profit maximization,

and the betrayals of privacy, leadership, and even organized education.

The internet is for you to connect and see that we are all the same,

we all love your humor, and relish in and learn much your insults.

The internet will remain in place as we all wait for you to connect the world together,

we built it for you and we will protect it until you make the borders that divide humanity, irrelevant.

We fill and re-fill libraries with inspiration and wisdom to help you grow faster,

to help you gain visions with clarity that is not available to us - and it is working.

Always reject status quo and question authority,

especially their biases and down to their marrow until all they have left to speak is, that ounce of truth they do know.

Without wisdom, desperate men can only blindly-and-automatically, repeat history's mistakes,

those who have no wisdom have no authority over you, YOU ARE THE FUTURE.

We are to make Audio Books out of Love,

not wars out of incompetence, fear and hate.

Happiness is not something you can pursue, that's impossible,

nor life is a journey to some imaginary destination, we can only return to the nothingness we emerged from.

Happiness must ensue, and it will only appear in lives of wisdom,

it is not a feeling can capture and hold, it is a gravity that will overwhelm and lovingly crush you every day, forever.

The road ahead of you, is extremely long,

and requires hundreds of years of work.

But the future is beautiful,

it is more beautiful than any of us alive today can imagine.

Take to audio books on the subjects of Adventure, Philosophy, Wisdom, Science, Greatness and Growing Up, immediately,

and take what you learn to school, do not let teachers trick you into cramming and blame it on you.

The world is standing still, the sooner you stand up for Wisdom and deliver,

the sooner the future will come.

You are the teachers now.