Knowledge Artists; Or What Do Science Popularizers Do?
Knowledge Artists; Or What Do Science Popularizers Do?

Wednesday • August 16th 2023 • 11:36:27 pm

Knowledge Artists; Or What Do Science Popularizers Do?

Wednesday • August 16th 2023 • 11:36:27 pm

Real education is self directed, and connected at the smallest level.

Fake education only gives appearance of direction or choice, and interrupts real education under threat of punishment.

The choice to pick the next class you take, is worthless.

Because it is all about he details, and how separate bits of knowledge form bonds.

Ineffective schools will force you to memorize bits of knowledge, which is similar to memorizing the landmarks of a city.

Which also looks indistinguishable from actually knowing the city, where state tests and funding is concerned.

But real education, will take you along on countless adventures in varied contexts; that will result in you knowing the city by heart.

Real education is not just about reading white-papers, or listening to books in a particular field of study that calls to you.

At first, merely setting a direction to where your curiosity points, is not enough to learn or understand.

You will need, a powerful and coherent introduction.

Beginning real education, requires a specific form of information.

information that comes with masterfully crafted, easy-access on-ramps.

This type of information is most beautifully captured, by science popularizers.

Master story tellers, who present beautiful, unforgettable and coherent narrative.

Science popularizers provide beauty, context and content, orienting the student in correct directions.

One fact that fake education obscures, is that in everything is cross connected.

Thus any question, with an inspired authentic answer, is sure to enchant the student, across multiple fields of study.

A good science popularizer, takes their reader on intricacy connected journey.

Because of their master story teller status, science popularizers are exempt from the necessity for self-directed studies.

Their art presents a journey, that is more interesting, then the one the young students had in mind.

They will be pulling more interesting facts, from many more sources.

Where your path is one, and deeply personal and sacred.

For example, a question about Cosmos.

The information they present, is masterfully crafted with years of research.

And thus the sweetest and most captivating, cross-connected, bits of knowledge spanning multiple fields.

And their chapters won’t just provide answers, but pull the student into a never ending story.

How for example, distant aliens will need to have fingers, to hold the soldering iron.

That will help them assemble the radio equipment necessary, for us to detect the radio signals, of now likely long gone species.

The story tellers, are irresistible, students with the least amount of interest will be moved just as well.

For example they may grab onto their pendant, once they learn, Earth cannot produce gold – only giant dying suns can.

The gold in their pendant is what remains of the heart, of a long gone star.

The is one more component self education, and it comes naturally, after the Popularizers help us to solid ground.

It may seem overwhelming to hear of it now, but our minds change once we understand the universe.

We will emerge more pressing questions, than we can imagine, at first.

And we will be desperate, for a way to make reliable new tools to help us in our journey.

We will discover that learning programming, not only can set us free from poverty.

But that the language is more precise and less ambiguous, than the desperate pencil based mathematical notation.

The ability to write computer programs, will give us an intricate microscope that we can reconfigure for any task.

Armed with the ability to visualize and simulate, we will not be limited to observe sleepy light slowly move across the universe.

But also, we will be able to bring new light, to corners of complexity, that are yet to be discovered.