The Insult Of Graduation; Or, Hackers Are Philosophers Too
The Insult Of Graduation; Or, Hackers Are Philosophers Too

Sunday • June 11th 2023 • 7:59:40 pm

The Insult Of Graduation; Or, Hackers Are Philosophers Too

Sunday • June 11th 2023 • 7:59:40 pm

No one knows errors better than computer people, and in their haste to grasp the world.

It was not room for improvement they saw, it was a simple parade of errors.

Even great philosophers are surprised, as they are still pondering the death of gods and such.

Hackers, just get right to it, and error is an error.

More than errors, hackers think in systems.

Networks of things, within and without.

In what we call a nation, they see odd borders, and misunderstandings.

They see, unnecessary communication problems.

They see, potential, where we see, unmovable things.

To paraphrase an old file, they have no nationality, race, or skin color.

They are above these strange little boxes, and they never look down.

But above all, the hacker, is a display of the profound power of self education.

In contrast to standardized education, each hacker is a superpower.

They know no bounds, they have no limits.

And if ever challenged, they will peal whatever it is down to its atoms.

Hackers are not limited to the computer world, they are everywhere and into everything.

While there will never be a definition, they are the creatives, that undo the borders first.

I suspect, just because they travel far, and their journey is always at an upwards angle.

They are aware, of the noble call, to greatness.

By instinct alone, they may know the higher they rise, the less growing-all-the-way-up they have left.

But they bother not with status, nor with milestone, or accomplishment.

Or to quote another poet, triumph or disaster, seeing both as an impostor.

And one of the greatest lessons we can learn from them, is that real education is permanent and unending.