Creators, Navigators, And Saving The World
Creators, Navigators, And Saving The World

Wednesday • September 4th 2024 • 12:29:33 am

Creators, Navigators, And Saving The World

Wednesday • September 4th 2024 • 12:29:33 am

The AI we have access to today, is not as weak as it appears.

And it is well known that breaking down large tasks, into smaller ones is the key to getting stuff done.

Outside of programming, this is accomplished with structured text, markdown lists.

But with programming, you get to automate everything, especially, getting the AI to give the large project a second try.

You yourself, deserve a better user interface than text, a mind mapping program makes everything clearer.

Writing programs to crawl a visual idea tree, and having the AI convert ideas in reality is much more flexible.

Today’s AI is said not to be able to create new things, but generative games do it all the time.

So it just takes a well defined world like science, and the AI can burrow well enough.

In case of small projects, you are the creator of new things.

That is what the concept map or mind map is for, the AI, again creates something new.

Up until now, you had to program or create, everything your projects described.

Now the AI can take over, and you can in fact do the Seth Shostack trick, give the AI the keyboard, and say, you type.

You can write a program that will expand ore refine, your concept map, by asking the AI to improve or add new nodes.

If you got a tree, that you can automate with tiny computer programs, then you got everything, EVERYTHING!

Your first moneymaking project, should be a concept map or mind map, that has an artificial intelligence assist feature.

You must absolutely not ask for any money up front, and drown your users in free credits, more then they need.

And then provide an option to get even more credits, for when they start using up your resources more.

People will find bugs in your program, you will need help, so it is fair that you charge a monthly fee for more credits.

You should also offer one time purchases, for all your power users.

But your big programs should sit not in the realms of creation, but in the realms of education.

The first and foremost should be programming schools, followed by empowering history of philosophy that helps people to greatness.

And then a new way of accounting for all the standard subjects, a more integrated, AI aides, self paces, and individualized instruction.

As you build your schools, visualization, interactivity, and simulation, should be at the forefront.

You must avoid memorization, or even introducing things out of context.

Education must flow like a beautiful adventure game, we are navigators, that is why memory palaces work so well.

Imagine a computer game, that throws at you content, the way school throws cut up pieces of subjects.

This game would be unpleasant, unplayable, depressing, it would be a mockery of education and destruction of creativity.

I could not ask you to create schools before we entered the era of AI, it would not have been possible for you, and you and your friends…

To build something so incredibly large, but now it is a matter of a mind map, and a pleasant quest.

Just like players build up their characters, intelligence, mana, magic, you should let your students build their mind map, their knowledge tree.

Their very paths should consist of notebooks, where they can mix observation, visualization, interaction, and most importantly simulation.

So that they can revisit their progress, years or decades later.

Do not burden yourself with servers, offer your schools as a Desktop Application (electron.js or nexe express HTTP servers).

This way you don’t have to provide the CPU, or worry about getting hacked, or even worry your users about their privacy.

Finally, you do not need to write every text book for your school, prior to launching it.

Those textbooks already exists within the artificial intelligence, your school program is a way to reveal them.

The original WikiWikis allowed users to create links to non existent pages, and when a user accessed that page…

They would be met with a message stating, “This page does not yet exist, do you wish to create it”.

Your schools should ask AI to write that page, as it is needed by the user, or more aptly: The Navigator.

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