Learning Programming, Yas, But Programming Is Also Learning
Learning Programming, Yas, But Programming Is Also Learning

Monday • December 30th 2024 • 10:55:31 pm

Learning Programming, Yas, But Programming Is Also Learning

Monday • December 30th 2024 • 10:55:31 pm

You just need to get your foot in the door, download something to get started.

Electron Fiddle is nice, is you want it all, and p5.js is great if you like video tutorials.

Both of these starting points are very rich, if you need a tinier start then Node-RED will help you.

It is a visual programming environment, that lets you put in little JavaScripts in places.

The ultimate aim, that you should focus on, is building a Desktop Application.

And you don't have to look far for ideas, because you will have the most powerful ones early on.

Despite these wonderful starts, there isn't a perfect one.

If you were to create a desktop application, that helps novice programmers.

To start with simple project templates, that can be made unique and powerful.

And then uploaded to a website as a demo, of what a programmer can do, big deal!!!

Learning programming may require many little projects, so it is good when they all have a home.

And some can be marked as portfolio items, and published under early work.

Another great idea, is a desktop with windows, that lives in a web page.

You hit F11 to go into full screen mode, and it is like you have a new OS.

There is nothing small about it, you get to program keyboard shortcuts, and all the graphics.

And then some kind of a application building environment, remember Metro UI for windows.

That was never fully explored, that can be extended to generate user interfaces.

Based on command parameters, or data structure, or list of database tables.

Here you get to, redevelop user experience, you have an opportunity to change it for all.

You can see how that just occurred with AI, chat became a programming UI.

There are many more revolutionary changes, and all as powerful.

But what I wanted to tell you about, is the educational experience inside the world of programming.

Once you write your favorite program, you will want to rewrite it, as you will have learned more about it.

And this process of rewriting, and going over different technologies, is just about the most powerful and rapid way to learn.

You get to improve a program you like, and master new techniques and technologies.

I have a lot of fun building visual programming languages, and building each of my milestones made me really good at coding.

I sometimes don’t even finish a version of my program, just start a new project move a few files, and rebuild.

And I always make a point of using new techniques, I am really impressed by Signals this year.

A signal is a variable that announces when it changes, to get it’s value you don’t just say x, but x.value.

You need extra utilities to mangle and wrangle signals, and I really enjoy creating the pipelines.

And they do reduce the number of code programs need, almost a perfect little invention.

While i now work with the Actor Model, I may create a visual programming environt just for signals, theya re worth it.

Whatever you start writing and rewriting, choose JavaScript, or more correctly ECMAScript as your first programming language.

Electron Fiddle show you why, you get o instantly create desktop applications, that can be installed on all operating systems.

Chromium that the Fiddle is based on has already been ported most places, so you just add your code, and ship.

Programming languages control machines, they automate, computers are clearly the future.

But programming, is the language of the future.

You need both, you need to be able to control machines.

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