Why Do Some Students Get Worse Grades Than Others
Why Do Some Students Get Worse Grades Than Others

Wednesday • July 31st 2024 • 8:53:18 pm

Why Do Some Students Get Worse Grades Than Others

Wednesday • July 31st 2024 • 8:53:18 pm

Let us imagine for a moment a school isn’t manipulating grades, and that the students memorization score is their own.

Students who have already been challenged by life, will both seek functional education, and be less equipped to focus on memeorization.

Some students may need help the very same day, they will never have the intellectual runway to learn anything at all in a standardized setting.

And those who have nicer life experiences, will tend to believe that memorization may in0fact be be a form of education.

And many will grow up in a setting where good grades, are a kindness that want to to show.

Memorization, is not a form of education, at all, if it is an unmoving list, tree or table, you learn to look it up when needed.

Real education is so complex and unique, that it can only be approached through individualized instruction.

Where the students own curiosities dictate which subject is next, and they learn at their own pace, and in a sequence that fits their existing knowledge.

The very subjects themselves, are nothing like in standardized education, and are never pure, always containing parts of other subject.

The education is also one subject at a time, so that the students curiosity is honored and respectd.

A quick example of such a subject is 3D printing, which starts with assembly of the printer it self, and printing existing models.

And towards the end, becomes overwhelmingly about precision 3D modeling, and as it approaches parametric modeling.

Where the students creates reusable components, ones that recalculate their hinges and walls upon resizing one side.

It abruptly drops into programming 3D models, where the students use a code editor, rather than property tables in a user interface.

Every path is different, but generative 3D models, may come next for some, it is not always art, but here is a step perfectly unique matching the one student only.

For someone whose own curiosities, dictates this progression, In a span of few fascinating months, they covered and uncovered.

Electronics, manufacturing, design and modeling, math as code, programming, applied recursive, generative, genetic algorithms.

And may leap into music, or art, next, but certainly, enter the world of software development.

Free education for all is Humanity’s best invention, but standardized education, the greatest fraud perpetrated on the best of us.

When a teacher asks to memorize for a test, such a student will ask where is the function.

What good is temporary memorization, of a subject they are not interested in.

They will see the corruption, coercing students to invent cramming.

So that teachers, can pretend to teach.

At the end of a day of learning programming, a students walks away more powerful.

Their existing knowledge, is enhanced, sometimes multiples.

Memorizing disconnected facts, on the other hand, does not actually do anything.

And it is what it feels like, acting, a performance.

A young adult will discover, that High School education can be contained in a single book.

And with a lot of work, it would be possible to create a real education book.

A narrated book, that would change the world, by providing an interactive individualized instruction.

Not for passing existing High School tests, but for excelling at a more integrated vision of the subjects.

Where memorizing, that mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell.

Is replaced with a challenge to program a virtual cell, to simulate and visualize at the students own pace.

If biology is a subject that they are ready to explore, at the moment.

Mathematics for example, would immediate come to life, when taught as programming code, a much more rational notation.

Like the enlightened world, a human being blooms inside out.

A student cannot be taught, they have to reach out and learn what calls to them.

For that call of curiosity to take place, they have to be treated with more respect.

And not seen as a resource that can strip-mined, with overpriced text books, loans, and other manipulations.

An they need a future to row into, a future that does not threaten them with poverty.

And it needs to be a finer promise, than “we’ll give you real education”.

As that is the least the world can offer, to the younger generations.

They need certainty of safety and security, a wiser world that does not feature, war, hunger and homelessness.

Their education is a step, a promise of advancing humanity.

They need a firm ground, for their steps, a world that they can be sure of.

Functional education, and a beautiful modern culture.

If what they see is enhanced interrogation, mandatory military service, fake education.

An economy that is more reminiscent of slavery, where one must earn and cannot be granted, or the plantation falls.

Then a teacher may not blame them, for not having heathy curiosities.

They ought to blame themselves, for having sold out for a paycheck.

The solution, for children who have been challenged by life, who need instant solution.

The least we can do, is modern philosophy books that enhance their culture, that push them away from being used and bullies, and becoming a bully themselves.

This will help them rise to the level of students, that have some time to learn, that have a runway where they can take off.

At this point, the students who are merely memorizing, now have to be asked to stop, and seek out a more authentic education.

For those who have trouble finding a path forward, who don’t know where to start.

Other students must assemble a tutor league, and help them start real life by learning programming.

The students with their own vision of future, who have already begun building a sturdy foundation need support, not help.

Ultimately, the children need financial support, so that poverty will not interrupt their education.

On a more personal note, in what is perhaps an afterword.

The last thing you need, is a student asking if a fragile economy, that fails the moment universal income is instituted.

Is perhaps more like a slavery, concocted by small minded men, with neither a shred of vision nor decency.

Students seeing themselves as the problem, or as an empty glass, is only a temporary mistake, that will soon correct it self, on its own.

In that way, the older generation will in fact, end up living in interesting times.

A union of all the world's students, looking out for their own future, is a million times more powerful then the foolish games of small minded men.

(Title image, Young Hypatia)

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