The Graduation Is A Lie
The Graduation Is A Lie

Friday • August 18th 2023 • 11:23:21 pm

The Graduation Is A Lie

Friday • August 18th 2023 • 11:23:21 pm

Your principal never understood what you are, the faculty as a whole never gave a damn.

On their first day of work, they muttered, fake it until you make it.

And it deed, they faked it, and will spend decades bringing a fraudulent paycheck home to put food on their table.

Ultimately nobody understood why some of you, freaked out, lost it or lost themselves, or took to self destructive behavior.

Those who tried to understand you were frightened away, by the realization, that it was them who was hurting you.

More precisely, everything around you, starting from the first day of school…

Was so low effort, so misunderstood, so poisoned by lairs, and so ineffective - as to be functionally fake.

You “studied” Economics, Geography, Government, Local History, and World History.

But your knowledge of any if this, measures but a fraction of a short, well narrated book.

Your years of study, amount to less knowledge, than a handful of narrated books.

And all added up together, you can’t create anything, you can’t turn it into a business.

You will have to continue taking more classes, until they look good on an inflated resume…

An you get hired, to replace someone, who already asked for too many raises, or took too many meant heath days.

High School set you up to spend all your parent money, all the money yo have, and all the money you can borrow, on more ineffective education.

Student loans, are not forgivable by bankruptcy, they will be forcefully removed from your paycheck.

Some are still paying it all off, well into their sixties, if not beyond.

You have been betrayed for paychecks, teachers, despite saying otherwise, have an easy job.

And they can’t get fired, only transferred.

They know, that a bad curriculum, will force you to memorize.

And despite them saying to the contrary, that is precisely what they want – it is why they tolerate it.

As far as tests are concerned, memorization or cramming, is indistinguishable from real education.

It will do nothing for you, and everything thing for them.

Your grades are fake, subject divisions were useless, no mater how neatly they looked.

You were tricked into thinking that you are not perfectly brilliant, so that you set there quietly so the fraud could continue unimpeded.

It was all just a way, to sell you out for paychecks.

You have just met, face to face, with the men who sold the world.

And now they will be celebrating, getting rid of you before you figure it out.

And starting with a fresh batch, of trusting students, your replacements.

Your replacements wouldn't understand, you trying to warn them.

Anymore, than you understand me.

But you know it is true, you were so stressed out.

The threat of a low GPA, or even being held back and laughed at – so effective.

That after years of Algebra, Algebra II, Geometry, Statistics, Trigonometry, and Calculus, you don’t know math.

Biology, Chemistry, Earth Sciences, Space Sciences, Physics, and if you had to live in the country…

Due to mutually assured destruction failure, that the other men who sold the world brought on.

Your crops would not grow, your medicine would not work, and physics could not be more useless for you.

Celebrating graduation, where your education is so ineffective as to be fake, is a tragedy.

Trusting other people to teach you, over trusting yourself to learn for real, was not a very wise idea.

Your teachers are not fully aware of what they have done, if cornered, they will only say, same thing that just came to your mind.

“How was I supposed to know”, and in deed, this is a multi-generational, and cultural failure.

The is no time to point fingers, no time for blame.

You still need a real education, you have to learn everything that you were cheated out of for real, and then a lot more.

You must understand, that stress destroys knowledge, perhaps an evolutionary adaption?

So you will need to find peace and serenity, and begin consuming narrated audio-books.

If stress surrounds you already, perhaps you can walk the Appalachian, Pacific Crest, and Continental Divide Trails to push it away.

Non-fiction, celebrated by clear thinking intellectuals around the world, is your fastest way towards the intellectual inheritance that has been stolen from you.

Do not ask how you will find the time for all this, this is a war for the health of your mind, and the right to a future that is worthy of you.

Without you inheriting from thousands of narrated books, the next thing to betray you will be your career, your loving boss, or corporation.

Like fake education, it will fly over your head, and make you suffer obesity, premature aging, and mental health issues that stem from a lifetime of stress.

All I can really tell you, is that you need powerful stories from books, to get ahead of people hoping to turn you into a cog to their blind machine.

You have to grow up, but not to some end, you are not allowed to stop part way, you have to grow all the way up; until you become a great being.

Do not worry, so as long as all the steps ahead of you steps are honest, and your demand for authenticity unrelenting.

The future ahead of you will correct its course, and become brighter, wiser, healthier and stronger.