The World Of Programming Knows No Bounds
The World Of Programming Knows No Bounds

Friday • March 1st 2024 • 11:45:31 pm

The World Of Programming Knows No Bounds

Friday • March 1st 2024 • 11:45:31 pm

I guess my favorite program is the WikiWiki, it uses the concept of modes, here a view and edit mode.

In view mode it decorates article text with links, and in edit mode, it shows raw code called WikiText.

And one of the most fantastic things about it, is that when an article does not exist.

The WikiWiki still shows a normal view page, but now asks if you want to create it.

View and edit modes, represent just 2 programs by the same name.

In just a few lines of code, you can link knowledge to infinity.

Of all the programs out there, I got bit by Visual Programming.

I want to create little programs, that help others create programs.

Recently I discovered, that a visual programming language.

Is actually two visual programming languages, one on top of the other.

The top is the transport layer, and the bottom is the program layer.

The top moves the bottom around, sometimes generates code, sometimes passes data around.

This also means that the top transport, visual programming language.

Is not limited to just hosting visual programming environments, but also standard code editors, little and big applications, iframes.

The top layer is an entire ecosystem, of various applications and development environments connected together.

But there was a problem, I was unhappy with code readability.

Becasue, all the variables in my program, to broadcast when they change, in other words to be reactive.

This means I have to create Observables, and event handlers, sometimes 5 to 10 lines of code.

So, I switched to object oriented programming, which from the outside creates a readable language.

And from the inside, it gives all things a start and a stop.

Now by starting an object I could automate a lot, and by stopping clean it all up.

But even here, I had to manually configure, monitoring of variables.

So on top of the OOP I was working with, I created my of version of OOP.

Code redabily, ceased to be an issue, and everything just flows now.

Infinite possibilities, you make your own worlds at every step.

But the most powerful thing about programming, is that it is self-education friendly.

You simply create interesting little programs, and their little features branch out to inspire you to learn more.

And you know when you are wrong, because the program does not work.

Which is yet another inspiration to learn more, to understand the right way, and fix things.

You create, from beginning to the end.

From your first hello world program, to your best company or business undertaking.

All you need to do, is to fix a problem that people really have.

For example I chose, fixing the problem of learning programming.

By breaking down all the different parts on a single canvas, and connecting them with lines.

These lines help the young programmer, see where everything is going and what it needed to make things work.

Learning programming, is like learning to ride a bicycle.

Get a good one like JavaScript, and then just ride every day to get good.

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