Muscles Like A Chimpanzee, But Is This Really The Right Look For Me?
Muscles Like A Chimpanzee, But Is This Really The Right Look For Me?

Friday • July 26th 2024 • 12:59:47 am

Muscles Like A Chimpanzee, But Is This Really The Right Look For Me?

Friday • July 26th 2024 • 12:59:47 am

It all started with my noodle noggin, some weeks after I took up jogging.

After much huff and puff, I noticed that my legs got pretty buff.

I was like - Ah Ha! - I knew it! this is how the bodybuilder do it.

Nice and long sustain, muscle strain.

Of course everyone will disagree, with me.

Go ahead, if you dare, ask me if I care.

I lift dumbbells non stop, front, and bottom, and top.

My exercise three hours long, and I do stick out like I don’t belong.

But that has always been the case, I always kept to my own space.

But because I never lay or rest, I don’t have much of a gorilla chest.

But I am almost ready to test, bench press, instead of rest.

I think it will work, and I wont’ feel like a dork.

Laying down for the main workout, is just not my route.

So first I closed the rest gaps, like joggers do in their laps.

For me non stop is the only way, and it does not matter what anyone will say.

I started with tree pounds per hand, and increased to what my body could withstand.

While adding an extra hour and then two, once I thought I could push through.

I am forced to stop every song or so, but that’s only to help the blood flow.

My muscles don’t really get tired, and work as required.

And it is trail-mix that serves, my constantly replenishing energy reserves.

I am now up to 20 pounds, but those are slow rounds.

So I lift faster some 2 pounds less, to burn up my fat excess.

I switched to faster songs and dance a bit, and I feel a lot more fit.

Just building the muscle, like some kind of a castle…

May not be that great, especially if you need to lose fat weight.

And hopping around is a great way to stretch, and break through that plateau edge.

To be clear, Just so that you know, the only way to instruct your body to grow.

The very idea a the bodybuilding core... Is to always challenge it a tiny-litte-bit more!

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