Super Nerd; Or, A Fistful Of Code And The Age Of Enlightenment
Super Nerd; Or, A Fistful Of Code And The Age Of Enlightenment

Tuesday • September 10th 2024 • 11:57:36 pm

Super Nerd; Or, A Fistful Of Code And The Age Of Enlightenment

Tuesday • September 10th 2024 • 11:57:36 pm

I've been programming, since forever.

I never got into games, and I've actually might made a terrible mistake once.

One time at a traveling arcade, A boy left a coin on my asteroids machine.

And I was too little to know, that, this meant he was going to play next.

I really hope I was too shy, to actually put that quarter in the machine.

But I was so little, that I might have put the coin in.

And without a doubt, instantly crashed into an asteroid.

I was just glad that I was in a star ship, that I could move on the TV - not a good start.

Then briefly one of my neighbors, got an Atari I think.

And the whole neighborhood, packed into this living room.

I liked river raid, which is basically pong, I crashed and the took my joystick away.

Then I got a commodore 64 myself, and there was text on the screen it said LOAD.

Every time I wanted to play a game, I had to run LOAD.

And I knew there were more commands, then I bought a book...

And had my first big look, at a programming language, SIMON'S BASIC.

Few years later the teacher in programming class, accused me of copying or having someone do my homework for me.

But that was all me, I've spent the whole week diagramming, freaking out my bullies a little.

They laughed when I got graded down, I didn't care for school, I was learning on my own.

It has been such a fun ride, but I tell you, technology is way behind from whet we need.

And leading projects lag, they can't use new stuff.

Bootstrap my User Interface system of choice, is still using jQuery plugin architecture, that is ancient as heck.

Today Web Components are the bees knees, because they are low level.

When you create component, you can mix it with everything and it just works.

I've build a svelte clone in about 5 days of programming, it has a lot of good stuff.

Bi-directional data binding, where you can type into a text box on a web page.

And it will be sent out, to all the places that care about that text.

And if the server sends out an update, setting the value that the box is connected to...

The text box will update, automatically, with latest server data.

It only took about 20 lines of code, to do it right.

Yesterday, I added proper widgets, that have a start, stop.

And can listen to buttons, and even connected widgets, and the full application.

Web Components are too powerful not to use, and completely expose whatever other components are nested inside them...

For editing, meaning, that mete-programming is completely unobstructed.

These widgets, are actually components, that create components...

Based on whatever components are nested inside them, thus is much more powerful than macros or programming a language with it self.

The result is 6 lines of code, that can beat the snot out of just about every application framework.

And again it only took about 5 days to program this, it means that there is no need for programming frameworks anymore.

Because of their low-level-edness, and this easy nesting and recursion, everything just works.

For me, these coding experiments are 90% about learning, and keeping up with latest inventions.

And 10% waiting for technologies to mature, so that I can make visual programming tools.

Visual programming comes really close to being a game, that creates real programs, that can do big things.

This particular coding experiment, has another level of recursion.

All the Web Components and Widgets, are controlled by a Signal Tree.

Windows explorer is a good example of a tree editor, and that just about all it takes to program applications here.

Add files and folders, or user interface controls like buttons, and containers like windows and lists.

I think visual programming backed by average AI, can perfectly program actions for both button and server work.

There is not much in the way of creating a Laboratory Desktop Application, that will let everyone program the way people play simple games.

The age of end-user programmable applications, is near.

And it will be so colorful that walled gardens and apps of today, will mark a dark age in computing, and not smart-anything.

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