Bodybuilding And Fitness Feedback Loops; Or Dance, Trail Mix, And Dumbbells
Bodybuilding And Fitness Feedback Loops; Or Dance, Trail Mix, And Dumbbells

Saturday • July 13th 2024 • 1:15:48 am

Bodybuilding And Fitness Feedback Loops; Or Dance, Trail Mix, And Dumbbells

Saturday • July 13th 2024 • 1:15:48 am

Bodybuilding is a network of things, perhaps a collection of feedback loops.

Sets, Reps, Hydration, and Skipping Days, will not work, it is far too superficial.

You maybe able to put on shoulders, or chest, so a muscle or two…

But this is a problem, because, human physique needs to be balanced.

You should really consider yourself, to be a single muscle.

You should never isolate muscle groups, but let your musculature fill in naturally.

As you twist and turn, with just dumbbells in your hands.

You want to keep the dumbbells heavy, gradually increasing their weight as you adapt.

Dont confuse cutting of your circulationm, with muscle fatigue.

Trail Mix, of all things, will prevent fatigue.

And you can fix blood circulation, by switching to a complimentary exercise for a short moment.

But you don’t need, much more than that.

The dumbbells affect your entire body, especially as you do dance-like moves.

So what would ordinary take 20 years, takes just three.

But this is where it gets complicated, because you also need to lift for hours.

This is why you should try jogging, with 3 pound dumbbells first.

You will extend your endurance, to an hour or two.

And you won’t need a talk about never stopping, or eliminating rest periods.

You just naturally know to do that, when you jog.

Use an open source interval timer app, or a couch to 5K program to started.

But it gets even more complicated, because you will need special food.

Trail Mix, various berries, and nuts, seeds if you can.

And soak it in water overnight, to make an oatmeal type mess and protect your teeth.

This is nothing new, The roman Empirre has Puls, Aztecs used Soaked Chia Seeds, Greeks Barley and Figs.

Egypt had Emmer Wheat and Dates, and Sub Saharan Africa Used Sorgum, Millet, Yams Cassava.

Pacific/Oceana Tribes used Taro Root, Coconut, Sago, and Yams and Sweet Potaos.

And for protein everyone just used, Groundnuts, Fish, Meat.

All the ancient tribes independently discovered, the power of complex carbohydrates.

But you see how we have a feedback loop here, first you use dumbbells to work on your entire body.

Then you ensure to workout 5 to 7 days, non stop, for two or three hours.

Then you fill your intestine with hydrated soft, hard to digest source of carbohydrates.

Which then supports endurance lifting of dumbbells, which prevents you from stopping.

Which forces your muscles to grow, which then calls for heavier dumbells.

More carbohydrates, protein and improved hydration, using an electrolyte mix especially as you sweat in summer.

And as the loop spirals to higher complexity, you achieve in three years.

What takes others, twenty or more.

I think deep down we both know, that we cant hope for a much clearer explanation.

Because this is not so much training advice, as the search for an effective path, towards real results.

When I begun, I looked at my legs, and I re-created building of my leg muscles.

With dumbbells, but this time on my upper body, I was fat, so my diet was largely about avoiding food.

You can call that calorie counting, if you wish.

And shredded lettuce with a fistful of trail-mix, is probably the best you can hope for there.

So it is flavored, non-calorie food, I just view lettuce as grass, no real calories.

But when I made it near resonably-fit, I asked myself, what do ultra marathoners eat.

And trail mix instantly popped into my head, and wouldn't you know it, I messed it up.

I only had a little, not enough to get the benefits, you need nothing but trail mix in you.

To get that benefit of slow release of sugar, which I am guessing is not too perfect.

And you should only do that while putting on muscle, and then return to protein rich salads.

And burn up fat that eating too much dried fruits, might have created.

It is a cautious journey of chasing loops, not a precise workout plan.

But an adaptive, multiplier search.

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