Why Math?
Why Math?

Tuesday • November 30th 2021 • 6:58:37 pm

Why Math?

Tuesday • November 30th 2021 • 6:58:37 pm

Once pressured for long enough,
students will ask why they need trigonometry if they will never use it.

For a student to think that math is useless,
is to have already been tricked and convinced that they are not smart enough.

Math is taught so wrong,
that children often ask why do I need this.

Smartphone aside, in their madness teachers respond that,
"You won't always have a calculator."

Often cunningly, many teachers will attempt to dominate a class,
by pretending to have a short fuse.

They will be taking the shortest path possible,
they just want to get paid, put some food on their table and move on.

They know their material does not benefit students,
It only benefits the test at the end, the finals.

The content that finals attempt to test is a mess,
it is garbage.

Students in their sanity,
know that it is safer to memorize.

What they memorize,
is certain to be on the test.

Unlike the things,
that they would like to focus on and explore further.

If they tried to learn the mix of concepts for real,
then they would fail the finals.

The class is not about teaching,
it is just about passing the tests.

The students know this very well,
that is why many just don't care about school or grades.

In a world of fake teachers, liars, pretenders, bullies,
and fake education constantly grading the student down...

Alcohol and Fighting, Hating and Anger,
Revenge and Blind Stupidity, start to make sense.

Once parents start punishing the so called bad students,
parents become part of the system that is seemingly attacking them.

One horrible thing about grades,
other than the fact that they are unethical, toxic and insane.

Is that once a person starts getting Cs.
they will keep getting Cs from all the other incompetent teachers.

The teachers base their grades,
on all the grades in other classes.

So if you are a C student in all the other classes,
but do really well in your favorite one, you are not going to get straight A's.

To do mathematics justice,
start with simple programming tutorial, and move on to a more free hand language.

Then the design and create screen savers, including 3D screen saves,
and pixel-art games, at least at first.

Screen savers are not an outdated invention,
all the sci-fi screens in movies are basically screen savers.

Computer games and graphics create a context,
a reason for learning math.

Games and graphics are flexible enough,
to capture curiosity of all students so as long as they explore what calls to them.

The reason schools are broken,
is that there is no pressure to fix them.

There is plenty of pressure to increase the GPA,
but nobody cares that Mathematics is learned in a Screen Saver class.

Nobody cares to think about it,
because it is not their problem.

Institutions will not check schools based on Screen Saver abilities,
there is a top down division of subjects and that is what keeps the schools in business.

Over time, everything has gravitated towards memorization,
which is acting, a way to pretend to know.

Multiplication table and order of operations,
is not an argument for memorization, order of operations or or trigonometric functions need to be understood.

Forcing memorization SOHCAHTOA, is not real education and it is harmful and crazy,
the students need to understand it for real and in a real setting of a computer game or a screen saver.

Being tricked into memorization and graduation without ever using trigonometry is fraud,
there is no excuse for it.

The wrong division of subjects,
that eliminates real world application in favor of abstract garbage...

The forcing students into memorization,
by tricking them into thinking that they are the ones that made the choice not to understand...

The fraud of grades, manipulating them to stay under the radar,
to keep the teaching job, to keep the school funded...

Parents punishing their children, for not behaving properly in a mad house and a meat processing plant,
that cheats them out of real knowledge for the purpose of small paychecks...

Is quite a gamble to make,
as far as the future of human kind the students that are failing fake educations are certainly not the dunces.

And make no mistake,
silence of principals, teachers, and parents, is the same as participation, all parties involved are guilty of fraud.

All students are extremely intelligent,
the only thing that can stop them from the mastery of technologies that call to them, are parents and teachers.

It is a wonder,
that the students are listening at all.

The betrayal of younger generation, that results in their debt,
and awful jobs and career choices, that will have extremely negative impact on their mental health, is evil.

I don't know the word for what happens to the children that the military recruiter manages to lie to,
in great part because they learned nothing in school.

Real education is not that difficult,
and it makes a world of difference.

If education worked correctly,
the graduates would co-found start ups together as part of a real graduation.

Rather than school debt,
they would start by inventing new things that they could be proud of.

Let us not gamble with the future of Human Kind,
let us guide the children to Real Knowledge, Life Changing Wisdom, and the resulting Greatness.