Lords Of Purr; Or, What Does Your Cat Think About Your Exercise?
Lords Of Purr; Or, What Does Your Cat Think About Your Exercise?

Wednesday • March 12th 2025 • 8:14:05 pm

Lords Of Purr; Or, What Does Your Cat Think About Your Exercise?

Wednesday • March 12th 2025 • 8:14:05 pm

To get a better picture we will use percentages, and to make things simple, assume a 60 minute workout.

So 6 minutes, is 10% of 1 hour, 1 minute is 1.6% of 1 hour

10 minutes is 16%, 15 minutes is 25%, 30 minutes is 50%, and 45 minutes, 75%.

A lot of adults at my gym, walk, and they walk the full hour.

After few weeks of being able to do that, they entered a maintenance mode.

Their muscles stopped growing, and just started being healthy as heck.

They workout 100% of their stay, legs, mid section, and back.

Unfortunately, it would be too dangerous, to bring dumbbells on a treadmill.

I am certain, one of the younger lads, impressed by the fierceness of such powerful exercise.

Would immediately drop the dumbells, trip, and get sucked into the machine.

By my estimates, my gym must drag out, at least one such lad month from beneath a treadmill.

And that’s without, the dumbbells,

Today I spoke to a pair of serious ladies, who in their wisdom walk 30 minutes, 50%.

And then, resting, do some lifting, while sitting, about 2 minutes, of lifting total.

That is a 53% workout, though, not really fair.

I have a similr idea to theirs, where I workout 75%, and then spent 25% on chest excercises.

But that 25%, is really just my rest, resting an hour after non-stop lifting.

Lines blur sometimes, like that.

And then there is the average, Set and Rep person.

Unfortunately Sets and reps are a myth, maybe based on misunderstanding.

Or someone writing a book, based bodybuilders showing off in front of cameras.

These folks, and my equally misguides self, back when I started.

Do about 5 minutes of exercise, by a generous estimate.

They cut their circulation off, with weights that are just too heavy.

Unlike the walkers, they do nothing to eliminate rest.

And because the weight is too heavy, and theus they can’t lift for longer…

They will never adapt, beyond their initial muscles.

I don’t know why it is like that, everyone deserves to be left alone.

No critics, is not a bad idea.

But, the conspiracy theorist in me, considers all the world’s trainers, Sus.

The gyms are too hot, floors too grippy for dancing.

Weights are spaded by 5 pounds, where a human can only cover a 2.5 gap.

And the music is so loud, that ou have to play yours too loud.

I ended up wearing studio headphones, with ear plugs, which tunes the gym speakers out well.

I am telling you, the trainers are up to something.

Which brings us, to what your cat would think of you.

Cats, are nothing like pups, who were breed, not to grow into adult wolves.

As then, they would surely eat their owners.

Cats, have been evolving for as long as we have, and they are perfect hunting machines.

They don’t care to chat, or think deeply, like warriors they observe, and triumph.

They are extremely intelligent, scientists have proven this.

Neurology shows that a lot of cats, are warded out, by their owners behaviors.

So they do think, but their interest lie in hunting, exercising and napping.

In fact, when your cat is younger, you an often hear them working out at 3AM.

That is not mischief, that’s high intensity interval training, no joke.

What is your percent of actual lifting, and other excessive like treadmill walking?

Are you like I used to be, 3% of sets and reps.

Before I figured out that you start walking for one hour, and then walk with 3 pound dumbbells, until you walk for an hour again.

And continue, duration first, and never so light that you can lift more, and absolutely never so heavy, that you must stop.

Initially, you may be forced to, but like walker and joggers, you shrink those rest gaps out, until you are 100%.

Your cat being a warrior will pay specific attention, to how many minutes on other things.

They just look at your, top percentages.

In a cats mind, you are a machine switcher, or water cooler walker.

A territory marker, a cat box smartphone specialist.

Or just a thinker, who comes to the gym to think.

Your cat, judges not, it cares about you deeply.

It is a very special bond, for which they deserve all the respect in the world.

Your kitty is far greater of a dignity, then all the leaders this world has ever seen.

But you know what, one of the best ways to impress yout kitty cat.

Is to become a fierce warrior, like they are.

They will feel honored by your presence, and care, and taking care of the cat box.

Show them, that you have eliminated the rest gaps, show them, that you are part of the 100%.

An animal, as fierce as they are.

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