Adventure Fitness
Adventure Fitness

Saturday • December 25th 2021 • 9:48:16 pm

Adventure Fitness

Saturday • December 25th 2021 • 9:48:16 pm

I was beginning my daily adventure,
by heading out whichever way on the I-275 Bicycle Trail.

There is this one steep hill that climbs over the tracks,
I remember well how I had difficulty rolling all the way up.

I've noticed a couple of new fitness nerds pushing their bicycles up,
and I got off mine as to give them room.

They noticed me, and I begun complaining how steep this hill is,
and that I can never quite make it up.

We had a chuckle, and I told them about Ludington,
and Nordhouse Dunes especially.

I said that that climbing dunes all day,
is a wonderful way to lose a lot of weight.

The change of environment also causes the change of diet,
and somehow lessens appetite, as it is a vacation after all.

They, listened carefully,
and said that they will think about camping adventures.

I might have added in that getting rid of kitchen appliances,
is good idea too.

What I didn't mention, is that,
getting rid of appliances is also a crazy idea.

And I didn't have the heart to say,
that camping or fitness vacations last a long time.

maybe years.

And so the mad idea of Adventure Fitness,
was born.

I define it as,
never quite returning from a healthy vacation.

This sounds more suspicions than it really is,
long before the dietary benefits, the Call Of The Wild comes.

And though we return from that type of vacation,
we return as nature, not cogs in some machine.

Alas, from a more poetic perspective,
returning changed is like never returning at all - in a way.

Long before the adventurer learns to understand they must stay on their Fitness Adventure,
they become wild things, in the most cheerful and wonderful of ways.

Artists, musicians, marvelous hooligans,
royal vagabonds, and of course Great Beings, those touched by the Wisdom of Nature.

I am sorry I knew not to tell them,
not to return from their vacation but keep heading to the next and next adventure, and then some.

They bravely made it up that first hill,
they were warriors now, and I hoped that they kept on going.

I hope that today, they are healthy,
and appreciate that all their weight actually added to give them enormous muscles that now show though.

This is Adventure Fitness, a one way road towards Health and Adventure,
away from stressful jobs, toxic environments, and that deadly combination of stress, couch, dinner and TV.

Unfortunately, the first step to Adventure Fitness,
is still to unplug and get rid of kitchen appliances, and that dumb TV.

The first step to the great adventure trails,
does not begin on the trail.

It begins,
by getting rid of the appliances, including fridge and stove.

And the second step is shopping for adventure equipment,
and starting with short and beautiful trails.

Obesity is a serous issue,
that requires Doctor's help.

However a healthier lifestyle, does not mean a more difficult lifestyle,
as it is standing invitation to a lifetime of Great Adventures.

Artwork Credit