Lift Light To Rest; Or, Don't Ruin Your Workout By Stopping
Lift Light To Rest; Or, Don't Ruin Your Workout By Stopping

Saturday • November 25th 2023 • 8:47:33 pm

Lift Light To Rest; Or, Don't Ruin Your Workout By Stopping

Saturday • November 25th 2023 • 8:47:33 pm

A workout you can trust to keep you healthy and strong, is driven by gradually increasing your endurance.

It is absolutely the same thing joggers do, but here you add some weights.

Those weights are the difference between lean muscle, and mean muscle.

The endurance, the ever increasing endurance, is how you hold your workout till the end.

When you see an athlete working out, they maybe strong, but what you are witnessing is their endurance.

They earned their endurance very slowly, at just the precise pace their body allowed them to.

Like joggers, in the beginning, they ran slow, and they had to stop every once in a while.

But then over time, their endurance increased, and not only did they not need to stop.

But they found they had extra energy, to push a little bit harder.

This is why, you shouldn't ever rest during your workout.

But rather switch to lighter weights, and keep going until you can go back to the heavier ones.

This is a way of romancing endurance, lightly kissing up to it.

If you just stop and rest, who knows what is going on.

Perhaps, your body thinks to it self, "OK, we are done, I am glad that it is over".

And never tries to adapt, at all, never becoming longer, stronger or faster.

But we can be sure, that if instead of stopping, you switch to lighter weights.

Your body will say, "Hello, what's this?", "No rest? how awful, I better adapt."

And there are no big aches here, as you are not blindly pushing forward.

You are kind of resting, going much going lighter.

Until you are ready to go back, to your normal weights.

And that constant non-stop movement, will make your workout fuller.

I highly recommend, shuffle dancing with light dumbbells.

You just walk into a gym, grab onto your dumbbells.

Tell yourself nobody is staring, because everyone is busy working out really hard, and just freaking dance.

Dancing flexes your entire body, and dumbbells will have impact on every muscle.

You burn up fat, become muscular, and more flexible.

And you become younger, and mightier.

If working out in a building, where it does not rain is not your thing.

Then take your dumbbells jogging, the result is the same.

Whatever your exercise period, one or the super-transformative three hours.

However often you work out five or the break-neck seven days...

Do not stop to rest... you can slow down, but you can't stop.