Bad Grades; Or, You Were Never Dumb
Bad Grades; Or, You Were Never Dumb

Thursday • August 15th 2024 • 11:45:03 pm

Bad Grades; Or, You Were Never Dumb

Thursday • August 15th 2024 • 11:45:03 pm


All you need to do to see the bad, is ask about effective and real results, ask about coherent education, tolerance of cramming, and kindling of creativity.

Authentic education results in new capabilities daily, as each new lesson strongly integrates with a students existing body of knowledge.

Standardized education with all it sticks and carrots, and ineffective results. is just a way to do the minimum possible in order to get at state funding.

Education is a path towards greatness, a profound and beautiful experience.

It does not feature memorization or cramming, and recognizes each students and their curiosities as perfectly unique.

So make sure you don’t end up as cog in a meat processing plant, that only cares to manufacture compliant workers.

Neither poverty nor grades should be your master, this is not meant to be a poverty stricken plantation world.

No matter what grade you are in, you need to begin learning on your own.

By constantly listening to narrated books, written by great beings.

You may need to make room for the, by frequently taking to hiking and camping adventures.

You may not grow only part way up, as that will make you a servant who may perish in war.

You must grow all the way up, until you become a unique great being.

That is why you need to comprehend thousands of narrated books, to inherit the wisdom of great beings into your own coherent whole.

You can’t start at level zero, it would take you thousands of years, to acquire the wisdom, that has been condensed in books for you.

You are in a lot of trouble, grades are not your IQ, they are not the measure of you, they do not define you.

Teachers use grades in three ways, to figure out what grade to give you, based on your other classes, no matter how well youperform.

To hide the fraud of coercing you to cram and memorize, roughly splitting the class into 1/3 A, 1/3 B, 1/3 C.

As none of their data could possibly be ever real, and thus the bell curve must be faked.

And finally, they grade you down, to motivate you, so the GPA that you thought was a measure of you.

Grades are meaningless, your GPA is a sham, and to add insult to injury you were never less intelligent than anybody else.

Einstein was messing with sound waves, Hawking with fluids, what they did have is a language that helped them construct experiments.

That language is no longer math, it is no longer physics, it actually encompassed chemistry, biology and even intelligence.

Today, that language, it she language of comupers, and you should start with modern JavaScript.

A sweet introduction to the C family of languages. That you will learn more about later on in your life.

Their lack of knowledge of math, would end them, just like your lack of programming ability, will stop you.

The first thing you should be taught in school, is programming computers.

As that grants you the ability to simulate, visualize, and this comprehend, more complex systems.

If your school has not helped you master effective programming, then you are in a lot of trouble – and you must learn programming on your own.

Search the internet for math as code, and look for p5.js video tutorials.

You must learn programming as soon as possible, don’t let fraudulent, fake, or ineffective education cut you off from your future.

In the absence of real school and real teachers, you have to lead the way, you have to become the teacher you wish you had.

As a great being, you are tasked to change the world for better, you have to take chare, and accept that growing up is something only you can do.

Do not let the bullies feed on you, do not be a spectacle for fake teachers, push far and away from the mistakes humanity is repeating today.

Use you power to prepare for a more beautiful future, learn to no end, become a great being, become overpowered.

This is you life, your mind and knowledge and wisdom, and adventure, do not anyone stand in the way of your growing up.

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