Synchronize Your Workouts With The Beats Of Songs And Speed Up The Tempo
Synchronize Your Workouts With The Beats Of Songs And Speed Up The Tempo

Saturday • July 8th 2023 • 11:23:37 pm

Synchronize Your Workouts With The Beats Of Songs And Speed Up The Tempo

Saturday • July 8th 2023 • 11:23:37 pm

The toughest thing is to eliminate rest periods, it is so unfair that this is the first thing you have to do.

To do it quick, follow the couch to 5K pattern, possibly using your own clip-on-or-app interval timer.

You narrow down the rest periods expanding the activity periods, until one day, you stop stopping.

This act of eliminating rest, and never sitting down, has been perfected by joggers.

Except at the gym, you don’t just jog with your feet, but also the dumbbells.

And the act of moving your hands and feet to music, is not called a jog, or workout, it is actually called dancing.

Being shy is beautiful, but health is so important, that for the duration of your workout, you will have to fight it.

Moreover, by placing dumbbells in your hands, and varying their weight, relative to the speed of your motion…

Your entire musculature; all your muscles, biceps, shoulders, but also abdominals, and legs will begin adapting.

In a word, your arms, are connected; to the rest of your body.

Doing a little abdominal twist, at the speed of music, will have those dumbbells pushing; your hands, your arms, your shoulders.

And even your abdominal area will be trying to stop the inertial motion, caused by the dumbbells.

You see, adding dumbbells to your dance workout, induces a full body adaptation in order to stay with the beat of your songs.

Perhaps most importantly, music will help you enter a state of trance, your mind will bee too busy hitting every beat, for you to get distracted.

This is also why, coffee is really bad for your workouts, to put it simply, it will not let you enter a state of trance.

To burn fat, you have to stay away from sugar, as it ruins workouts, it is such a powerful substance that it ends up successfully feeding your body.

Sugar is pure magic for skinny people, not for the rest of us.

Drink water, and if you sweat a lot, you will need to replenish your electrolytes, but to do it safely and wisely, you need a cheap blood pressure machine.

And you need a nurse to verify that it is giving you correct measurements, alternatively see if maybe your pharmacy has a public blood pressure monitor.

Because you are altering your body, you are going to have to get some accurate feedback – consult your doctor.

It is just dancing you know, if you do it frequently and for a goodie long while…

It will make you more cheerful, younger, more beautiful, healthier, and more flexible;

And as I discovered, from my own workouts, more bouncier.