Learn For Real; Or, Don't Get Tricked, Ineffective Education Is A Shortcut For Liars
Learn For Real; Or, Don't Get Tricked, Ineffective Education Is A Shortcut For Liars

Friday • September 6th 2024 • 11:33:13 pm

Learn For Real; Or, Don't Get Tricked, Ineffective Education Is A Shortcut For Liars

Friday • September 6th 2024 • 11:33:13 pm

Even if you didn't cram for tests, you still wouldn't have graduated from a real school.

Real schools create real knowledge, an not by memorization, or brainless practice.

Real schools, help you understand things, in terms of system diagrams that work.

A fake school will just have you memorize, that mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell.

On an already fraudulent test, comprehension and memorization looks the same.

But without comprehension, both, your graduation, and diploma are a scam.

And an organically grown one too, you can tell because above all everybody gets paid.

And you just get to look educated, you even get an impression of education.

But that hard work you put in, and that feeling of good enough, was worthless.

They handed you something that is hard, so that it feels meaningful.

Think of corruption as a computer system, where no one component is to blame.

The brain, the computer it self is doing the cheating, the thousand people involved in making the brain go...

Are doing the smiling, and doing the caring, are doing the not noticing that they aren't actually teaching.

The men who sold the world, are a smear, you will never meet them face to face - they don't have a face.

Other than not getting an effective education, in the years that you spend in schools, YEARS!

You will find no evidence of wrong doing, just teachers that are doing their best.

It is the fault of administration, the funding, the state, the others.

Kurt Vonnegut, used the word machine, in the most terrifying of ways, and I slightly paraphrase here.

"They all had big minds because they were big animals, but they didn't use them for this reason:

Unusual ideas could make enemies,, if they were going to achieve any sort of comfort and safety, needed all the friends they could get.

So, in the interests of survival, they trained themselves to be agreeing machines instead of thinking machines.

All their minds had to do was to discover what other people were thinking, and then they thought that, too."

So if you walk into a music class, 45 minutes later you have to walk out with a pretty song you made.

Otherwise, you will have no reason at all to actually learn, if music composition is something your soul even ready for.

You can only compose when you are rested, when your thoughts about music are uninterrupted for weeks.

You wise and you tap, you make strange sounds, you invent your own notation...

And then you discover, that the musical notation that we do have, is kind of even better.

And you master in three consecutive hours, what takes three semester, for those who don't care, don't need, don't want, aren't ready...

That is why you have to rise, there really isn't a school to graduate from.

It is a working diagram of a school system that could work, but it is just a sample diagram.

The schools are pretending to work, and forcing students to pretend to learn.

I'll never stop being sad about the mechanic that emerges from this, Ms. Goldson explains it quite well but it takes a long time to understand.

The short version is that your natural predisposition for learning, specific things that relate to your innermost curiosities is disabled.

You are pushed to lose the ability to learn, your creativity is destoryed, are are forded to give up control in favor of listen and repeat.

I can fell you asking, why, why is this happening, because of poverty and poverty of mind.

Once people stopped caring to push liars away, they took over.

Schools that barely worked, stopped working.

There was no longer need for Virtue, Dignity, even Manners, there is just a free for all now.

There are three very interesting points in human history, that do get it right, that are opposite of liars.

And that is where you have to begin your self education, because self education is all you got.

Later on, you can go to fake school and ace all the tests, but the lairs will always surround you.

So I recommend, you build a new school, a school that teaches wisdom, dignity and genius.

The essence of those three points, The Philosophers, The Lady and The Gentleman, and The Intellectual.

The short answer to why this is happening, is because Dignity, and Authenticity became second.

It is easier to pretend to be a decent person, then to actually do the deeds that ennoble you.

"It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better.

The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood;

who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming;

but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause;

who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly,

so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat." -- Theodore Roosevelt

Ineffective education is a shortcut for lairs, you must educate yourself for real.

You have to learn about sciences and their history, how to compose and paint, listen to thousands of philosophy books.

And you have to learn programming, to break yourself out of poverty.

You have to grow... all the way up. until you become a great being.

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