The Church Of High School
Monday • February 24th 2025 • 8:10:39 pm
The rise of AI ends Ferris Bueller's advice, now the future is coming, and you have no end in sight.
You don’t need to be told what it is, because you see it with your eyes every day.
What you need is a plan so clear, that you stop taking notes to memorize for tests.
And use all your notebooks, for actual learning, and diagrams.
Grant me a second, to warn you about a mistake: Please, please, please, protect your scribbles.
The older you, will find them to be, absolute treasures, they will become priceless.
And as a side-note on a side-note, you can already see, it has started.
Your notebooks went from trash, to priceless, and worth fighting for.
All right a clear plan, means fast, something you already use.
Your High School is so bad, thqt the two words I am about to utter.
Will sound stupid, so grab onto something, and hang in there.
Because I will have you put your name on it, before this short poem ends.
Alright, here it comes, grab onto your butt, and keep listening, don’t go.
Web Extensions, hang on.
In you are listening to this around year 2025, give or take a few years.
Go to, and answer the questions, call your Web Extension after a vegetable you like.
Describe the vegetable, use a version 1.0.0, and answer yes to all the features.
As they will pop up in your browser in various places.
Alternatively you can go to /mdn/webextensions-examples on github, to see how they look inside out.
And if you still need simplicity, visit C-Rodg/Web-Extension-Boilerplate it literally just contains a popup.html you can look at.
To install it follow the singe sentence instructions, on Mozilla Developer Network.
It just says “In Firefox: Open the about:debugging page, click the This Firefox option, click the Load Temporary Add-on button, then select any file in your extension's directory.”
About followed by colon, and debugging, is a special url in Firefox, for developers.
If you do install something, change text in html files, to your favorite pet’s name, so that you see it.
This takes about 4 minutes, and in those 4 minutes, you learn more, than in 4 years of High School.
You learn about a new path that you can take, a path where you are in control, where you are the CEO.
Unlike High School, every step here, will be honest, and it begins by simply looking at JavaScript Tutorial Videos.
Might as well start at looking for, Firefox Web Extension Tutorials for Beginners.
And when you get it down, maybe make a few tutorials on your own.
All the world’s AI is well versed in JavaScript, as it is the most popular language, and the language of the web.
With node.js, or deno, or bun, it runs on the server too.
You should write both UI and server stuff in a single langrage, keep it simple and rely on code re-usability to move fast.
Visit app-ideas for app ideas, but really just to get an idea of what a list like this looks like.
And talk to AI about various tangents, and make your won list.
As you learn programming, as AI for help, nothing like this has been possible before.
You just paste whatever JavaScript you got, and ask AI to tell it to do something you need.
Ask it to make a clear, readable, light-weight version, so that you can grasp the code, and this learn while already creating.
Don’t listen to people that say AI does not work, or that TypeScript, Python, Rust, or Chrome is better.
Firefox, JavaScript, WebExtensions, JavaScript Video Tutorials, and helpful AI is what you need.
I gave you a way out, something that you build on your own, where you don’t have to trust anybody.
The moment your pen touches the pages in the back of your notebook, and you draw your first diagram, you are in, in your future.
Your own future, future full of AI, antiaging therapies, a future that may include space travel as a result.
If you are still in High School or thereabout, you may just end up becoming a Starship Captain.
I beg you, whatever you do, do not memorize for tests to please your teacher, because that is not a future, that is a lifetime of overwork, and poverty.
I know that the following is not possible, but may you never run out of notebooks.
And please, keep them save, there is nothing more precious to your older self, than the story of your eariest days.
And yeah, may you grow to become a Starship Captain too.
You can do this, but you need to stop following and grow all the way up until you become a great being.