A Handsome Tail; Or, Evolution Made A Terrible Mistake And Everything Is At Stake
A Handsome Tail; Or, Evolution Made A Terrible Mistake And Everything Is At Stake

Thursday • October 5th 2023 • 11:25:50 pm

A Handsome Tail; Or, Evolution Made A Terrible Mistake And Everything Is At Stake

Thursday • October 5th 2023 • 11:25:50 pm

A really nice and bushy long tail, will cheer you up without a fail.

A tail is really good stuff, it will make anyone laugh.

When you put on a tail, you simply stop feeling frail.

Look, I know you think this is odd, and while that reasoning is not flawed.

Everyone has a full-blown tailbone, and its purpose is well known.

Science studied all the details, …we all used to have tails.

We’d parade them with great care, ladies brushed them as often as they bush their hair.

Boys would give their tails fluff, to make themselves appear more buff.

A pretty tail used to be huge deal, and it totally ties into how we feel.

The tail reminded us to grow great, that we were born to rise and create.

That we needed to lead with wisdom, not live in an unchanging system.

The tails connected us to Earth, from the day of our birth.

Please, make your own tail out of some wire, and fluffy fabric, to match your attire.

Make it as fancy as you need it to be, and then go strut around so that all can see.

And the proof that I am not making any of this up, is that your tail will instantly cheer everyone up.