Don't Let School Ruin Your Life
Don't Let School Ruin Your Life

Friday • January 3rd 2025 • 10:11:46 pm

Don't Let School Ruin Your Life

Friday • January 3rd 2025 • 10:11:46 pm

You have to be careful, the adults in their fear, stress, overwork and uneducaion, are unwell.

As the new generation, you have to rise above the old.

You learn only the good things, and you leave the bad in the past.

Allow me to explain, what careful means.

When you can’t understand something, and your teacher wants you to memorize it.

You have to refuse, call her out, for cheating at education.

Don’t let them call you unintelligent, and worse yet, don’t let them tag you as gifted.

Memorization, making you think yo are dumb, and dismissing you as gifted, are common low-effort attacks.

The teacher is role paying teaching, so that they can go home and put food on their table.

While selling you out, destroying your future, lying to you, and manipulating you.

Moment ago, you would think to your self, I can just cram before a test, of it is too hard.

But that is how you get sold out, for paychecks.

Hence, the adults are unwell, they both don’t care and don’t know what teaching is.

There is an old asying that it is the kindling of a spirit, and not the filling of a vessel.

Meaning that it is about igniting your curiosity, and not forces you to cram.

But even that is wrong, for one it fails to consider that cramming is temporary.

Even learning what is of no interest to you, won’t stick around for long.

You can only learn what you are curios about, this type of learning, will ignite more curiosities.

But that is still not enough advice, frankly, it is litter more than noise.

Listen carefully, I am about to tell you how to do this right.

First of all, and I hope I am wrong, that you are lucky, but where education is concerned, you are on your own.

There may not be sucj a thing as teaching, there is probably just learning.

Teaching ma be a shallow mockery, of authentic learning.

Come down to earth, you now live in the age of artificial intelligence.

In just a year, we went from asking about programming, to the machines being able to create functional bare bone apps.

This is so powerful and so new, adults just don’t understand, they don’t have the mental capacity for it.

Begin learning JavaScript immediately, so that you can understand the bare bone code that AI creates for you and take it from there.

Don’t count on university, college, or high school, use them for what good parts they have, if you want to.

But learn ion your own, so that you are safe, from the madness and threat of poverty.

AI creating small coherent applications is the beginning, and your financial future must begin here as well.

You can be whatever else you want, you don’t ever have to tell anyone about being a JavaScript programmer.

But you go to do learn programming JavaScript applications, even if just to be able to tell real from fake education.

It is not the kindling of the spirit, that is the very least the adult can do for you.

It is about you entering the culture of great beings, by making room to listen to their books.

At first, it may take you 30 or more re-listenings of a narrated book, before you understand a book.

The entry into the culture of great beings has a lot to do, about reading between the lines, about who they are.

In a world, to understand a book, you have to befriend the author and understand and inherit parts of their culture.

You see, this is not about kindling your curiosities, this is about you accepting your intellectual inheritance…

And growing all the way up, until you become a great being, you won’t need teaching or hand holding here.

You will be blazing the trail, you are meant to build the future.

Your graduation will be as fake as your education, but you still need a dividing line.

This is the Triple Crown, the crossing of the three great trails, The Appalachian Trail, The Pacific Crest Trail, And the Continental Divide.

Combined together, you are looking at two years of adventure, don’t go alone, be safe, and don’t give up.

When you are in your middle age, returning to the trail will repair your body, you will become young again.

In your youth, the trail is where you finally open your mind, to wise books, and the noble and dignified lives of great beings.

Yes, you are being lied to, but if you don’t stop tolerating the lies.

You too will become a liar, and to the lying to those who look up to you.

Begin your survival training, use internet videos first, learn hiking and camping.

And rise, to put an end to all the mediocrity, lies, pretending and selling out, and searching for shortcuts.

The adults have failed you, now is your chance, to prevent that from happening to those who come after you.

It is not the path that is less traveled by, it is is the path of rising towards greatness, that makes all the difference.

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