How I Completely Ruined My Quest To Become Thin And Skinny
How I Completely Ruined My Quest To Become Thin And Skinny

Sunday • August 18th 2024 • 12:59:10 am

How I Completely Ruined My Quest To Become Thin And Skinny

Sunday • August 18th 2024 • 12:59:10 am

My idea was to lift light dumbbells, basically re-creating the 1980’s workouts.

I just wanted to start somewhere sturdy, get some results and see where to go next.

It just seemed like all the skinny people, were always dancing.

I had some experience, from previous attempts at becoming skinny.

Slowly running for 18.7 miles, which took me some eight hours for one.

And trying to workout a the gym, which didn’t do much for me, I don’t think.

My jogging started hurting my knees, and just at the moment, I made a discovery.

It was a tiny hidden lake, a puddle really, surrounded by a path covered with wood chips.

I finally understood, jogging on concrete, was the worst thing a heavy person could do.

Having earned some endurance, I felt I could start lifting at the gym.

And I resumed my experiments there, while bicycling on a fat tire bike on my off days.

I saw no results, just no result sin general, and my sets and reps did not improve.

I am not the kind of a person, that will do the same thing expecting different results.

So, I tried to find evidence of muscle growth on myself, I had some biceps but they did not grow.

And then I looked my thighs, and realized, I see results.

My legs became more muscular, due to bicycling and jogging.

And by bicycling I mean, my fat tire bike does not have gears.

And I don’t really keep the tires hard, because it is a $135 bicycle.

It neither holds the pressure, nor is it a good idea to put that stress on cheap tires.

So it is hard to bicycle forward, comedy hard, sometimes.

So armed, or rather legged, with evidence of continued muscle growth.

I leaned into that, just for results.

A good results based platform, from which I could resume my quest to become skinny.

I just needed to see any results, to get serious.

So while the fit and beautiful people were lifting, 25 pounds, I started with three, to their merriment.

I wanted to recreate jogging, but with my arms, by means of dumbbells.

I wanted to go longer and longer, until my fat was gone and I had a toned physique.

Previously when I lost a hundred pounds from fasting, I just became frail and flimsy.

And determined that was even unhealthier, than jogging on concrete.

A skinny person, needs some muscles, otherwise they will look unwell.

As I begun lifting dumbbells, I realized if I walked back and forth.

Dumbbells, became a full body exercise.

Though, I don’t know how to explain it well.

Just imagine your entire musculature, working together to stabilize it self.

As your arms, suddenly gained extra pounds.

Even though I was lifting light weight, that I was doing it for an hour.

And like joggers, attempting not to stop.

This entire exercise, being based on jogging, after all.

Those light weights, really made my body begin to adapt.

Just as soon as three pounds per hand, for just about an hour stopped hurting.

I switched to five pounds, and then seven and a half.

And ten just seemed out of reach, a total of 20 pounds was hard on my back.

So I turned to creating faster playlists, choosing songs with more beats per minute.

And I tried dancing, which as a shy person, was pretty great, as it made people ignore me.

So with seven and a half pounds per hand, I begun shuffle dancing, and became more shapely, for sure.

Eventually I had to slow down with dancing, as the rubber sole and the rubber floor were just too much.

There was not enough friction, and my feet were getting annoyed.

That is when I stepped into the light, and noticed I now had veins across my much more defined biceps.

This was excellent, I thought.

By this time my workouts were three hours long, and pretty much non-stop.

I was only resting to drink, a cheap electrolyte drink mix.

I discovered, I had strength to spare, so I increased my dumbbells. to, 10 pounds, 12.5 pounds, then even the crazy 15 pounds.

Discovering, that I could go all the way up to 20, for an almost non-stop slow-playlist three hours.

I settled on 17.5 thinking that if I stick to faster songs, I would burn more fat, which I still have.

But it is just now that I have noticed, I am not ever going to be thin or skinny.

I never found a way, to get there.

As I was standing in the mirror today. I realized, I became bodybuilder-shaped.

Slowing down and adding a bit more weight, made me build more muscle.

My diet, is just trailmix with protein powedr and occasional chicken, or cheese from a pizza.

I try to avoid the bread, imagining that I will soon be banned from buying pizza.

The trail-mix erases the to hour wall, where everyone seems to experience tiredness.

Trail-mix helping me move through that, is probably a large reason behind my muscle growth.

Though, most of it, is going from 7.5 pounds to 17.5 on a medium speed playlist.

I feel like I had a chance to become thin and skinny from dancing, but I think I would have to put down the dumbbells, and I don’t like that.

In closing, my thick Latina tights, did infract point the way, but that tuned out to be just a shortcut to bodybuilding.

A path to becoming skinny whilst retaining a resonable physique, remains a mystery for me.

Artwork Credit